- Blind Melon Sleepyhouse 歌詞
- Blind Melon
- No time frame
我無法為今天要做的事 for what I need to do today 給出一個時間範圍 Here at the yellow house 我想我要在黃色房子這裡 I think Im gonna play 開始演奏了 with free livin lads down the street aways away 街那頭是來蹭住的小伙子
我感覺到月亮正在生氣 As I feel the moon rise 每個人都能感覺到的時間才是正確的時間 The time that all feels is the right time 在我們這所昏昏欲睡的房子裡 Here in our sleepy house 我伸手抹去眼前的蟲子 As I wipe eye bugs away 蠟燭搖曳著像是要對我講話 the candle flickers at me to say 我有時在腦海中祈禱 And in my head I sometimes pray 嘿你現在的感覺 Hey arent ya feeling fine 和你孩提時的感覺一樣好嗎 As I was as a little child 嗑嗨的時候我會好受點 And Im feeling better when Im high 我看到所有紅燈閃爍著成了一個聯合體 with a red light shinning on a little unity 我犯下的種種錯誤
現在已經無法折磨我了 The mistakes that Ive made 我內心可以確定 No they dont seem to bother me 我沒有任何悔恨 I sure as hell dont feel like 如果我能讓你看到我真實的想法 I missed any kind of train 那你就不會來煩我了 If I could only show you how I feel 到時候你可能就會明白 Then you wouldnt bother me 為什麼我們還像孩子一樣 And then maybe youd see 毫不介意自己的盲目 why we dont mind being blind 嗑嗨的時候我會好受點 As I was as a little child 我看到所有紅燈閃爍著成了一個聯合體 And Im feeling better when Im high 也許等會兒 with a red light shinning on a little unity 我也會成為那個聯合體吧 Ill probably be in a little while