- Bon Iver 00000 Million 歌詞
- Bon Iver
- Must've been forces, that took me on them wild courses
一定是一股無形的力量,將我拉入苦海 Who knows how many poses, that I've been in 誰知道有多少的裝腔作勢,我曾經是如此沉迷 But them the main closest, hark it gives meaning Mine 但是這一切最主要的源頭,便是聽從我自己的心聲 I cannot really post this, ah feel the signs 我絕不能貼上所謂的標籤,而得感受內心的指引 I worried about rain and I worried bout lightning 我擔心雨點動盪飄搖,也會為閃電劃破天際而感到憂慮 But I watched them off, to the light of the morning 但我就這麼看著它們,直到早晨的曙光出現 Marking the slope, slung low in the highlands 畫一條弧線,高低錯落有致 Where the days have no numbers 在那裡的日子無人問津 If it's harmed, it's harmed me, it'll harm, I let it in 如果它傷害了我,那我依舊坦然接受
哦,都是老方法了:我們得學會自己主導人生啊 Oh, the old modus: out to be leading live 說的都是老套的藉口,不想再努力進取 Said, comes the old ponens, demit to strive 一些感悟出來的話語:不要再心存雜念 A word about Gnosis: it ain't gonna buy the groceries 要么成為眾人之中的敗類,要么權衡找到屬於自己的方向 Or middle-out locusts, or weigh to find 我為自己的羞愧與難堪而沉默,也會煩惱之前走過的種種迷徑 I worry about shame, and I worry bout a worn path 我徘徊著,只是想踏上回家的路 And I wander off, just to come back home 何不放下包袱輕鬆上路,從低迷中走向高處 Turning to waltz, hold high in the lowlands 因為那些日子無人問津 Cause the days have no numbers 這傷害著我,傷害著我,使我如同一隻待宰的羔羊 It harms me, it harms me, it harms like a lamb 所以我可以將過去放置在記憶裡,就像偏愛流血的葡萄藤 So I can depose this, partial to the bleeding vines 假設你不能承受這糟糕的一切,那就看看我所企及的高度吧 Suppose you can't hold ** **. how high I've been 一條河不知道的是:蜿蜒曲折的爬行卻還是得構成一條線 What a river don't know is: to climb out and heed a line 在玫瑰叢中放慢腳步,或靜靜地屹立在後方 To slow among roses, or stay behind 我去過那片樹林
不管那條河的源頭在哪裡 I've been to that grove 然後我便離開了:這次離開又會持續多久呢 Where no matter the source is 能夠有對抗一切的光環,宛若在峽谷上高歌的整個樂隊 And I walked it off: how long I'd last 因為那些日子無人問津 Sore-ring to cope, whole band on the canyon 好吧,它傷害了我,但我依舊坦然接受 Cause the days have no numbers Well it harms it harms me it harms, I'll let it in