- The Unavoidable Battle Of Feeling On The Outside 歌詞 FM Static
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- FM Static The Unavoidable Battle Of Feeling On The Outside 歌詞
- FM Static
- It's hard to fit in,
這對我來說真是難如登天 When you're on the outside, 當你離我而去時 Feels like someone's getting to my head , 感覺就像心中少了一片色彩 Was it somethin' I did, or just somethin' I said? 我做了什麼?我又說了什麼絕情的話 I'm not an idiot, but I feel like one a lot, 我還沒到白痴的程度,我還能感覺到我虧欠你的太多 'Cause every time I try I end up here, 我嘗試著開始卻又無從下手 Right where I started, just feelin' unguarded 每當我開始,我的心中充滿不安與害怕
如果我也有好的一面我會自願將它拿出 I don't care if it comes out perfect, 只要我肯嘔心瀝血的去挖掘它 As long as I can spit it out 然後一個聲音響起
花時間干點正事吧,我們沒有太多時間空耗 Then He said 我內心早已靜如止水,不禁回想起曾經的山盟海誓和離別時的絕情 Take your time, take what you need to, 親愛的你早已做到最好,讓他們看看完美的你吧 Peace of mind, should never leave you, 在我的心中啊,永遠都有著你的影子 You'll be fine, just let them see you, 平復創傷需要一段時間,別畏懼之前耍孩子氣的我啊 On The Inside 在給眾多的陌生人表演後,你得到了什麼 Hurt takes time, don't be afraid of, 你會發現唯有我才是真心 What you got, show them what ya made of, 我們一起大膽向前衝吧 You will find, it's gonna be alright 它像起床氣一樣難以克服 So let's go! 當你想要放手去做時
抬起你的頭吧,這一切也沒什麼大不了 It's hard to get up, 有時候深呼吸就好 When you don't feel like movin', 但事情終歸會好轉 It's hard to lift your head up, 我不是一個不食人間煙火的人 Sometimes, 'cause it feels like it's lastin', 我對你的感覺唯有真心 But it's gonna pass 每次我打算開始時我都不能從一而終 I'm not an alien, 像是漂浮在外太空,無法站立感受到真實的自己 But I feel like one a lot, 請望向我臉上真誠的眼神吧 'Cause every time I try, I end up here, 我不在乎它是否完美 Just floatin' in space, 只要我肯嘔心瀝血的尋找 With that look on my face 一個聲音在我頭頂響起 別乾這事了,花點時間賺錢才是正事 [01:56.21]I don't careif it comes out perfect, 我的內心早已靜如止水,我在反思自己的衝動 [01:58.83]As long as I can spit it out 你的一切是如此的完美,讓他們看看吧 [02:44.03][02:00.76] 在我的內心深處啊 [02:01.00]Then He said 撫平創傷需要時間的安撫,別再害怕那個任性的我吧 [02:01.92]Take your time, take what you need to, 你在外奔波這麼久你又得到了什麼想要的? [02:04.63]Peace of mind, should never leave you, 你會發現世上唯有我用真心待你 [02:07.38]You'll be fine, just let them see you , 所以一起向前衝刺吧 [02:10.17]On The Inside 我不在乎我的所做是否完美 [02:13.05]Hurt takes time, don't be afraid of , 只要我肯我也可以做到完美無限 [02:15.84]What you got, show them what ya made of, 一個聲音在久久迴盪 [02:18.71]You will find, it's gonna be alright 別浪費時間做無意義的事,賺錢才是正事 [03:14.31][02:23.56]So let's go! 我的內心早已平靜如水,我早已後悔自己的所為 [03:21.06] 讓他們也看看你最完美的一面吧