- John Legend I Know Better 歌詞
- John Legend
- They say sing what you know
他們說要唱歌要表達你心中所想 But I've sung what they want 但是我卻為了迎合他人喜好 Some folks do what they're told 有些人循規蹈矩墨守陳規 But baby this time I won't 但是親愛的這次我不會再這樣 We'll look through that door 當我透過那扇門張望 I know the truth won't lie 我看到了謊言背後的真相 Some things I've done before I can't justify 我無法為我之前的所作所為開拓 There are kings in my past 過去我也有許多重要的人 Things no one can be proud of 卻沒有做出能讓他們引以自豪的事情 But I stand in the light I've cast 如今我站在奮鬥努力得到的光環之下 Turn away from any luck of love 卻想離開去尋找真正的愛 Oh, and I walk through that door 當我走進那扇門裡 I say here I go 大聲呼喊我來了 You see me and nothing more 你看了看我並沒有說什麼 I'm singing what I know 我為我自己而歌唱 I know better 我比任何人都了解我自己 I know better 我更知道自己心中所想 Legend is just a name Legend只是個虛名 I know better than to be so proud 我知道這沒有什麼好驕傲的 I won't drink in all this fame 我不會沉迷於名利場 I've taken more love than I'm allowed 我會獲取更多的關愛 I won't have to cut it off from where it came 我不會刻意隱藏和過去劃分界限 My history has brought m to this place 我的過去成就了我的現在 This power and the color of my face 這種力量和我的膚色 And I know better 我比任何人都更清楚 Oh oh oh I know better 我比任何人都更加了解 Oh I'll rise from the floor if I don't win 如果我一敗塗地我會東山再起 I'll bust open that door so let me in 我會破門而入所以請讓我進去 And if music chooses me to sing I'll let her 如果音樂選擇了我我會拼盡全力 I'll sing what I know, yes 對就是這樣,我會唱出心中所想 I know better 我更明了了 Oh I know better 我更清楚 Yes 是的就是這樣 I know better 我知道了未來的方向 I know better 我找到了真正的我