- Drake I’m Ready For You 歌詞
- Drake
- Drake]
還是好男孩的Drake R.I.P. to the girl you used to see 過去在我身邊的女孩都可以去死了.(不是我心狠,RIP就是這樣啊~) Her days are over. Baby she's over 我和她們已經走到盡頭了,寶貝兒. I've decided to give you all of me 我決定把我這輩子都交給你. Baby come closer, baby come closer 請靠近我吧寶貝. I'm ready for ya! 我已經全身心的為你準備好了. Kill 'em all, switch it up 毫不留戀,改變行程. Put it on, zip it up 穿的衣冠楚楚,西服革履. Let my perfume, soak in in your sweater 讓我的香水味浸透你的毛衣. You say you'll be here soon, sooner the better 你說你馬上到,越早越好! No option for her, you sayin' no 我的意思是來個三人行吧,你卻說想獨自佔有我. I run this game, just play your role 嘿,寶貝兒.就讓我來掌控姿勢,你躺好就行了. Follow my lead, whatchu waitin' fo'? 跟著我的節奏啊,你在等什麼? Thought it over and decided tonight is the night 擇''日''不如今''日''. (Background voice) 我會追上你的,愛你呦 Yeah I hear you talkin', don't know who you tryin' to flatter 是的,我知道你總是愛吐槽我,哼一會就讓你知道我的厲害! Got my mind made up. I-I-I'm ready for ya 因為我已經打定主意要伺候你老人家一輩子了. I'm in control, but with you bein' a man 我時刻保持矜持不去撩妹,但是你還是有點猶豫? You don't seem to understand that I-I-I'm ready for ya 我不怪你,你只是還沒察覺我已經準備好愛你了. I-I-I'm ready for ya 我要伺候你老人家一輩子. I-I-I'm ready for ya 我要給你生猴子~ So keep thinkin' you the man 所以你別再猶豫那個人是誰了. 'Cause it's all part of my plan 我們在一起的計劃我都準備好了. I-I-I'm ready for ya 我決定肯定以及一定的表示我準備好了. Nothin' on, I strut around 一絲不掛,同樣很吸引人. I do it big, I shut it down 就算不硬,也很大(這個很羞恥,我感覺是個雙關暗指身體部位和自己的事業) I wonder if you'll be able to handle me 我還在想你能不能解決這個'大'問題呢. Mental picture, no cameras please 這畫面存在腦子裡就好,我不玩艷照門. (Background voice) Drake - Verse]
酒杯上的紅唇印深深地被我印在腦袋裡. Uh, red lipstick on the wine glass cameras in my mind, 黑色的內衣搭配上白色鑽石,這大概是最美的合同了吧(暗指白紙黑字,不難理解.此處歌詞有誤應該是Black lingerie) Flash, black lines aray white diamonds, what a contrast , 我知道你已經被我撩的的急不可耐了,你說你想我們進展快一點. I know you get impatient as the time pass, you say you want it fast, 那你你先定義是哪種快啊?我可以快點啊,可不是she的快哦(太羞恥了) Define fast, cause I can speed it up, and make it last 我既可以成為你的導演,也能成為男主角(什麼A什麼V) And I could audition for this, and I could be part of the cast 我能帶著你一起編制未來,也能幫助你忘記過去的不開心. And I could produce for your future, I could co-direct your past, 你一定要記住,我他麼天打雷劈天怒人怨天崩地裂天災人禍天涯海角都不會捨棄你的.我跟定你了 And make damn sure you never forget it, commited, im ready, im with it 像雕像一樣不離不棄 Still here like a statue, pink champagne, green ink in your tattoos, 你說你打好行囊了,那我也也就準備好了.更何況我還有一把'性感手槍' You say you got bagges, well im packed too, plus I got a sex pistol, 對著南方最壞的女孩直射花蕊(真的羞恥.) Pointed right at you “BAM!”, the baddest women ever in the heart of south, 假裝不愛你那麼多次可還是放不下,這就是我為什麼這麼肯定的原因. Proven over and over again thats why im hard to doubt, plus im 更何況我到死都是Young Money的一員,我與小維恩共患難(說唱界兩個carter,一個是小韋恩,一個傑斯) Young money 'till the death, I took the carter out 我愛你的心比準備好了還要堅定,只是希望你也準備好了~ Im more than ready too, hope of something that you thought about 當年Drake的風格就是這個類型,相比於當時比較火的Dirty South,他更像個紳士.這或許就是為什麼也會有女孩子喜歡Drake吧(可是我沒看見有女孩子啊,哈哈哈哈.) Chorus]