- Katy Perry Box 歌詞
- Katy Perry
盒--凱蒂·佩里 I was living in a small mind 我不假思索地活著,心思狹小 With no lifeline 沒有所謂的命脈 And no messages can reach me from the outside 與世隔絕,對外界一無所知 When I looked out over the horizon 我望著遙遠的地平線 Didn't notice the sun was setting or just rising 太陽緩緩落下或是徐徐升起都不曾進入我的眼簾 Then it hit me 可它突然擊中了我 Maybe bit me 或許是如黃蜂般蟄到了我 Then I knew, quite a few would not go with me 從此我明白了,這些都不會隨我而去 I didn't know exactly where I would be going 我不知道我會去向何方 But I had to let this river in me flowing 但我不得不讓我心中的這條河流恣意奔流 What a ride 多麼自由的流淌 When you open your eyes 當你喚醒我的雙眼 For the very first time 在我沉睡後的第一次 A real surprise 那會是真正的驚喜 I started living outside of the box 我開始掙脫這束縛我的盒子 Crossing over lines where I always used to stop 穿過那些曾經阻擋我腳步的條條框框 Living outside of the box 真正地活在廣闊天地之間 'Cause I'm not gonna be anybody that I'm not 因為我不會成為任何人的替身 I always knew this day would come 我始終堅信這一天終將到來 When I got off my back, found some motivation 只要我把這些統統拋到腦後,去尋找我最初的動力 I've been living on the other side 我將活在世界的另一邊 Come hell or high water every moment I'm alive 不惜任何代價,我還活著,每時每刻 I was living on a fault line 我活在斷層之中 The fault was all mine 所有的錯誤都因我而起 And this unstable ground found me down half the time 而這動蕩的地面使我時而清醒時而沉淪 But I had enough 但我受夠了 I had to get up 我不得不振作起來 I had to shrug it all off 'cause it's the same old stuff 我不得不抖抖肩膀甩掉這一切,因為這還是老一套 Then it hit me 然後它狠狠擊中了我 You won't permit me 你不會容許我 To be an individual 成為一個獨立的個體 Just doesn't fit me 你認為我不適合 But I decided that it's going to be living 但我決定這就是我生活的方式 Yeah, I decided I'm escaping from your prison 是的,我決定要逃出你的魔爪 What a high 你那高聳的圍牆 When you open your mind for the very first time 當你喚醒我的雙眼,在我沉睡後的第一次 A real surprise 那會是真正的驚喜 I started living outside of the box 我開始掙脫這束縛我的盒子 Crossing over lines where I always used to stop 穿過那些曾經阻擋我腳步的條條框框 Living outside of the box 真正地活在廣闊天地之間 'Cause I'm not gonna be anybody that I'm not 因為我不會成為任何人的替身 I always knew this day would come 我始終堅信這一天終將到來 When I got off my back, found some motivation 只要我把這些統統拋到腦後,去尋找我最初的動力 I've been living on the other side 從此我將活在世界的另一邊 Come hell or high water every moment I'm alive 不惜任何代價,我還活著,每時每刻 So long conformity 漫長的融合,成為一體 And ambiguality is a new priority 那是一個朦朧的開始 All it takes, for heaven sakes 這一切都是上帝的旨意 Is to figure out the face and learn to seperate 讓我認清自己的模樣,學會獨立 I started living outside for the box 我開始掙脫這束縛我的盒子 Taking my time when I always used to rush 學會掌控我的時間,過去我總是太匆忙 Living outside of the box 呼吸自由的空氣 'Cause I'm not gonna be anybody that I'm not 因為我不會成為任何人的替身 I always knew this day would come 我始終堅信這一天終將到來 When I broke down the walls for my liberation 就在我為了真正的自由而打破這堵高牆的時候 I've been living on the other side 從此我將生活在世界的另一邊 Come hell or high water every moment I'm alive 不惜任何代價,我還活著,每時每刻 Oh, living outside of the box 掙脫這牢籠般的盒子 Oh, living outside of the box 真正活在廣闊天地下 Oh, living outside 自由呼吸 Ha ha ha 啊~哈~ I alwaysknew this day would come 我知道這一天終將到來 When I got off my back, found some motivation 只要我把這些統統拋到腦後,去尋找我最初的動力 Oh, living outside of the box 掙脫這牢籠般的盒子 Of the box, of your life 擺脫所謂的命中註定 Of everything that seems that nice 逃離看似美好的一切