- Donna Lewis I Could Be The One 歌詞
- Donna Lewis
- I could be your sea of sand
我願成為你寧靜的港灣 I could be your warmth of desire 我願成為你溫暖的庇護 I could be your prayer of hope 我願成為你希望的祈禱 I could be your gift to everyday 我願是你每一天的禮物
我願是你前往天堂的潮水 I could be your tide of heaven 我願是你要面對一切的指引 I could be a hint of what's to come 我也許很平凡 I could be ordinary 但我願成為那唯一 I could be the one 我願成為藍眼睛的天使
我願是平靜前的暴風雨 I could be your blue eyed angel 我願是你快樂的秘密 I could be the storm before the calm 我願是你的美好的願望 I could be your secret pleasure 我願是你生命的呼吸 I could be your well wishing well 助你成就夢想 I could be your breath of life 我也許很平凡 I could be your European dream 但我願成為那唯一 I could be ordinary 現在我可以在這樣的黑暗中 I could be the one 現在我可以無時無刻在這裡守候
現在我可以靜靜地看著你 Now I would lie here in the darkness 輕輕的安慰你 Now I would lie here for all time 輕輕的唱給你聽 Now I would lie here watching over you 我會陪你悲傷 Comfort you 我會陪你歡欣 Sing to you 我會是那綠眼精怪
給你帶來光的指引 I could be your worry partner 我會是那廟宇聖地 I could be your socialite 是你的憐愛孩童 I could be your green eyed monster 我也許很平凡 I could be your force of light 但我願成為那唯一 I could be your temple garden 現在我可以在這樣的黑暗中 I could be your tender hearted child 現在我可以無時無刻在這裡守候 I could be ordinary 現在我可以靜靜地看著你 I could be the one 輕輕的安慰你
輕輕的唱給你聽 Now I would lie here in the darkness 我不會改變愛你的方向 Now I would lie here for all time 不讓那恬靜的話語消失 Now I would lie here watching over you OH 親愛的 Comfort you 讓我抱著你 Sing to you OH 親愛的
讓我愛著你 Will Iever change the journey 我會是那鬱鬱蔥蔥的海島 Will the hushed tones disappear 我會是那雲中雷 Oh little Rita 我會為你遮擋黑暗 Let me hold you 我是你的浪漫之心 Oh little Rita 我也許很渺小 Let me love you 我又無處不在
我也許很平凡 I could be your leafy island 但我願成為那唯一 I could be your thunder in the clouds 我也許很平凡 I could be your dark enclosure 但我願成為那唯一 I could be your romantic soul 我也許很平凡 I could be your small beginning 但我願成為那唯一 I could be your suit in universe I could be ordinary I could be the one
I could be ordinary I could be the one
I could be ordinary I could be the one