- Foster The People Love 歌詞
- Foster The People
- Foster the People - Love
你好我是馬克 Hello my name is Mark 我只玩紳士的遊戲 I play gentlemen's games 我偷偷的混入了 And I just slip through and creepin' 狂歡夜的遊行 Through the night's parade, 我甩起我的雙手 I shake a hand or two, 我向你揮舞我的帽子 I flip my hat to you. 我不停的跑跑跳跳 I'm always runnin' and a-jumpin' 像個白痴那樣 Like a fool who would do 經過郊外是我看到了她 On through the wild I see her 她看到了我 She's sees me 我們可以做一些 We could be 刺激的事 Something, it's exciting 想要落荒而逃 Wanna run away 但是我動不了,我呆站著 But I don't move, I stay 我向她搭訕,我說 I talk to her, I say 你,你,你,你注定是我的 Y-y-y-you were meant for me 哦!我說不出話了 Oh! I can't speak 我想我戀愛了 I think I'm falling in 愛,愛,愛 LOVE, LOVE, LOVE , 它可以變成一件奇妙的東西 It could be a wonderful thing, 愛,愛 Love, love 它能讓你瘋狂 It can make you crazy Sarah,她是個追求年輕人的成熟女人 Sarah, she's a cougar, 走起路來風姿翩翩 Got moves like barracudas 正在尋找那些發育中的 On the hunt for the runts 看起來22歲不到的青年 That look under twenty-two years 她高昂起頭 Got her head up high 她的高跟鞋看起來和她的長腿很配 High heels that match her thighs 一定花了不少錢 And she be spending lots of money 她的朋友們覺得她很好笑 Her friends think she's real funny 她常說'看著我' She used to say 'Look at me' '你會發現我是個女王' 'You will see that I'm a queen' 有過你從未擁有的 Got experience to give of 那種生活 A life you never lived 但是那些男孩們全都跑掉了 But all the boys just run 她從未玩的盡興 She never has a fun 但是Sarah Oh yeah, but Sarah 她不在乎她一直在尋找 She don' t care, she keeps looking 因為她想要 Cause she's hoping for 愛,愛,愛 LOVE, LOVE, LOVE 它可以變成一件奇妙的東西 It can be a wonderful thing 愛,愛 Love, love 它能讓你瘋狂 It can make you crazy 愛,愛,愛 LOVE, LOVE, LOVE 它可以變成一件不可思議的東西 It can be an incredible thing 愛,愛 Love, love 當你擁有它,它會讓你驚嘆 And if you have it, it's amazing 我狂熱起來 I got the fever 陷入狂熱 Got the fever 陷入狂熱,我說 Got the fever, I said 她狂熱起來 She's got the fever 陷入狂熱 Got the fever 墜入愛河 Yeah, fallin' in love 他狂熱起來 He's got the fever 陷入狂熱 Got the fever 陷入狂熱,我說 Got the fever, I said 他們狂熱起來 The've got the fever 陷入狂熱 Got the fever 陷入愛河 Yeah fallin' in 愛,愛,愛 LOVE, LOVE , LOVE 它可以變成一件奇妙的東西 It can be a wonderful thing 愛,愛 Love, love 它能讓你瘋狂 It can make you crazy 愛,愛,愛 LOVE, LOVE, LOVE 它可以變成一件不可思議的東西 It can be an incredible thing 愛,愛 Love, love 當你擁有它,它會讓你驚嘆 And if you have it, it's amazing Foster the People - Love