- Melis Holding Hands 歌詞
- Melis
- Are you ready to talk?
你還有什麼要說的嗎 'Cause I'm ready to listen 我已經準備好傾聽了 And how I feel like a fool 現在的我看起來就像個傻子 For being stuck here with you 仍對你戀戀不捨 Are you ready to walk? 你要離開了嗎 'Cause I'm ready to let go 我可以給你自由了 And I've been thinking it through 這是日思夜想後的決定 What's a girl to do? 畢竟一個少女又能做什麼 'Cause for you I forget myself 迷戀你而無法自拔 Giving it all like there's nobody else 除了你無人可讓我付出所有 Watch you go dancing along with your friends 注視著你與友人自在起舞 Lost at the start, I don't know where it ends 伊始就愛你到忘我,更不知何時是盡頭 For you I question myself 質問自己為何如此受折磨 I can't find the answer to anything else 除了愛你,我找不到其他理由 Watch you go drinking and * *** up my plans 眼睜睜看著你喝酒並搞糟了一切 So get out of my hair and stop holding my hands 就讓我清淨會兒,別再握著我的手不放了 Are you ready to fight? 你真的要吵嗎 I'm ready to make love 想同你翻雲覆雨 But I'm not making a move 但我毫無慾望 Unless you tell me the truth 除非你告訴我,為何我們漸行漸遠 'Cause lately I've been dreaming about 前不久我還在幻想 Going some place new 一起去往新的地方 I wish that I could do it without 現在只願我能獨自前行 Always thinking of you 不再對你念念不忘 For you I forget myself 盲目愛你使我失魂 Giving it all like there's nobody else 無人可讓我再傾盡全部 Watch you go dancing along with your friends 看著你與友人忘情共舞 Lost at the start, I don't know where it ends 早已淪陷於你,彷彿永無止境 So for you I question myself 詰問自己為何自欺欺人 I can't find the answer to anything else 答案除了放不下你,別無其他 Watch you go drinking and **** up my plans 無力地看你去喝酒,我的計劃已幻滅 So get out of my hair and stop holding myhands 快消失在我腦際裡吧,別再攪擾我的思緒 'Cause for you I forget myself 沉溺於你而忘卻自我 Giving it all like there's nobody else 傾盡所有非你不可 Watch you go dancing along with your friends 眼看你與友人浸於燈紅酒綠 Lost at the start, I don't know where it ends 誰知是你一往而我情深 And for you I question myself 責問自己為何心甘情願 I can't find the answer to anything else 除了愛你,我給不出其他答案 Watch you go drinking and **** up my plans 眼睜睜看著你喝酒並搞糟了一切 So get out of my hair and stop holding my hands 就此結束吧,別再有所留戀了 For you I forget myself 為了你我魂不守舍 Giving it all like there's nobody else 無人可讓我再傾盡全部 Watch you go dancing along with your friends 旁望你同友人夜夜笙歌 Lost at the start, I don't know where it ends 可知我一早沉淪於你,猶似永恆 And for you I question myself 追問自己為何一廂情願 I can't find the answer to anything else 謎底自然是非你不可 Watch you go drinking and **** up my plans 冷眼觀你飲酒,不費吹灰之力毀我計劃 So get out of my hair and stop holding my hands 就此放過我吧,別再擾亂我的生活了