- たま Just One Time 歌詞
- たま
僅此一次就可以摧毀你的心 Just one time can destroy your heart 僅此一次就能毀壞你的思想 Just one time can destroy your mind 興許這就是它本來的面目 Maybe that what its like to be 當我宣洩出我的思想後,我所看到的僅是渺茫的希望
我竭力去拯救他們,但我的雙手和雙眼都停止了運作 When I shat out my mind, all I see is sinking hopes 如果我真想回頭也許我最不應該明白何為忠誠 Try hard to save them all , my hands and eyes ceased to function 過去和未來 If I really wanna turn around maybe I shouldnt know what loyalty is 它們是真的被綁定在一起嗎? The past and future are 星星一遍又一遍唱著歌入睡 Are they tied together for sure 星星一遍又一遍唱著歌入睡
那是因為我想在此地聽到聲音啊 Falling asleep while the stars sing a song 卻不知怎的就這麼消失了 Over and over again 獨留碧落下的飛花漫天 coz the voice that I suppose to hear in this place 清風在我眼前散開 Somehow its died away 轉瞬即逝 Thousands of petals fly in the sky 日復一日,我將會失明吧
我每晚經受著無盡的恐怖和極度的孤獨 Scatter in the fresh breeze before my eyes 跟上我們的節拍 It all happened in a flash 這流動過來的聲音可是十分迅速的 Day by day Ill be losing my sight 不是我的全部的歌聲滲透進星星裡了,儘管聽上去很有道理
在我們所生活的世上,我們必須以和其他人一樣的方式思考 Countless fear and overwhelming lonliness, every night, pass me by 現在是出發的最佳時機
如果你一直獨處著什麼都不會改變啊 Keeping up with the time we have 唯我淚縱千行 The flowing sound comes over fast 如果時間允許的話,就請讓我回到過去,我會好好懲罰自己 Though a sense to hear is not all anyway me voice stars trickled down 所有的生命都將死亡和消失 In the world that we live in we must think in the same way like everyone else 他們所承載著的太多的希望和真誠的願望,比我要多得多 Now is the best time to go 僅此一次就可以摧毀我的心 Nothing will change if you stay alone 僅此一次就能毀壞我的思想 Thousands of tears drop off my eyes 唯我淚縱千行
如果時間允許的話,就請讓我回到過去,我會好好懲罰自己 Let me go back to the past if the time allows then Ill fine myself 所有的生命都將死亡和消失 All the lives will die and disappear 他們所承載著的太多的希望和真誠的願望,比我要多得多 Theyre carrying lots of hopes and honest wishes so much more than I do 我每晚經受著無盡的恐怖和極度的孤獨 Just one time can destroy my heart - END - Just one time can destroy my mind
Thousands of tears drop off my eyes Let me go back to the past if the time allows then Ill find myself All the lives will die and disappear Theyre carrying lots of hopes and honest wishes so much more than I do Countless fear and overwhelming loneliness, every night pass me by - END -