- Lukas Graham 7 Years 歌詞
- Lukas Graham
- Once I was seven years old my momma told me
猶記得在我七歲孩童時,媽媽叮囑的話語 Go make yourself some friends or youll be lonely 趁年少要結交幾個摯友,否則會失道寡助 Once I was seven years old 猶記得在我七歲孩童時 It was a big big world, but we thought we were bigger 這人間天外有天,卻總以為自己最了不起 Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker 挑釁力有不逮的極限,還覺得能飛得更快更高 By eleven smoking herb and drinking burning liquor 十一歲的我們,抽著**喝著烈酒 Never rich so we were out to make that steady figure 囊中空空我們只為撈點快外混跡街頭 Once I was eleven years old my daddy told me 猶記得在我叛逆時,老爸叮囑的話語 Go get yourself a wife or youll be lonely 趁青春要找到一生摯愛,否則會老無所依 Once I was eleven years old 猶記得在我年少叛逆時 I always had that dream like my daddy before me 每次夢醒都宛如老爸還在我面前 So I started writing songs, I started writing stories 所以我開始寫下這個故事,寫下這首歌 Something about the glory, just always seemed to bore me 我已經看淡是非成敗,厭倦追名逐利 Cause only those I really love will ever really know me 因為我只想把真愛唱給真懂我心的人 Once I was 20 years old, my story got told 猶記得在我二十歲即將成名時 Before the morning sun, when life was lonely 掌聲響起之前,孤獨站在這舞台 Once I was 20 years old 在我二十歲的時候 Lukas Graham!!! I only see my goals, I dont believe in failure 我眼裡只有功成名就,不承認此生會敗 Cause I know the smallest voices, they can make it major 因為我堅信,最微弱的吶喊終會響徹人山人海 I got my boys with me at least those in favor 我擁有了很多夥伴為我喝彩不分青紅皂白 And if we dont meet before I leave, I hope Ill see you later 我希望能說一句珍重,如果有一天我們彼此離開 Once I was 20 years old, my story got told 猶記得在我二十歲即將成名時 I was writing about everything, I saw before me 我寫我看見的人生,我唱我經歷的人生 Once I was 20 years old 猶記得那年我二十歲 Soon well be 30 years old, our songs have been sold 彼此三十歲,我們的歌謠還有你們來買來聽 Weve traveled around the world and were still roaming 我們走遍了這個世界,我們的人生仍然翻滾不停 Soon well be 30 years old 我們仍然在學著生活 Im still learning about life 當我們不再銳氣青蔥 My woman brought children for me 猶記得我的妻子生兒育女 So I can sing them all my songs 讓我能哼我的歌謠給他們聽 And I can tell them stories 讓我能講我的故事給他們聽 Most of my boys are with me 猶記得許多夥伴曾經並肩 Some are still out seeking glory 有些同甘共苦見證成功 And some I had to leave behind 有些漸離漸棄不知所踪 My brother Im still sorry 真正的兄弟,我抱愧于心 Soon Ill be 60 years old, my daddy got 61 當我六十歲,我想起了老爸那時年過六旬 Remember life and then your life becomes a better one 將心比心,才能讓人生過得更好,不至於重蹈覆轍 I made a man so happy when I wrote a letter once 那個男人綻放的笑容,因為收到了我偶爾寫給他的一封家信 I hope my children come and visit, once or twice a month 當我老了,也希望孩子來看我,每月一次或者奢望半旬 Soon Ill be 60 years old, will I think the world is cold 當我老了,當我感受到世界的冷酷無情 Or will I have a lot of children who can warm me 或者我能因為兒孫繞膝,溫暖在心 Soon Ill be 60 years old 當我年已六旬 Soon Ill be 60 years old, will I think the world is cold 當我老了,當我感受到世界的冷酷無情 Or will I have a lot of children who can warm me 或者我能因為兒孫繞膝,溫暖在心 Soon Ill be 60 years old 當我年已六旬 Once I was seven years old, my momma told me 猶記得在我七歲孩童時,媽媽叮囑的話語 Go make yourself some friends or youll be lonely 趁年少要結交幾個摯友,否則會失道寡助 OnceI was seven years old 當我老了,憶昔從七 Once I was seven years old 當我老了,憶昔從七