- All Time Low Painting Flowers 歌詞
- All Time Low
- Strange maze, what is this place?
奇怪的霧靄,這是哪兒? I hear voices over my shoulders. 我聽到從身後蔓延而至的聲音 Nothings making sense at all. 一切都模模糊糊,不清不楚 Wonder, why do we race? 奇怪,我們為什麼要賽跑? And every day were running in circles. 每天繞著圈兒奔波 Such a funny way to fall. 多麼有趣的墜落 Try to open up my eyes Im hopin for the chance to make it alright. 嘗試睜開我的眼睛,盼望著讓一切恢復如初
當我醒來 When I wake up 夢境卻沒有結束 The dream isnt done 我想看看你的臉,得知我已歸家中 I wanna see your face and know I made it home. 如果所有的都只是鏡花水月 If nothing is true 我還能再做些什麼? What more can I do? 我仍然在為你畫著花兒 I am still painting flowers for you. 喔啊 Woah 扔掉我的卡片,給你我的心
希望我們可以重來一次 Throw my cards, give you my heart. 一切都模模糊糊、不清不楚 Wish we could start all over. 嘗試睜開我的眼睛,盼望著讓一切恢復如初 Nothing making sense at all. 當我醒來 Try to open up my eyes, Im hopin for a chance to make it alright. 夢境卻沒有結束
我想看看你的臉,得知我已歸家中 When I wake up 如果所有的都只是鏡花水月 The dream isnt done 我還能再做些什麼? I wanna see your face and know I made it home. 我仍然在為你畫著花兒 If nothing is true 我仍然在為你畫著花兒 What more can I do? 我聽到你所說的一切,我不想失去理智 I am still painting flowers for you. 當我醒來 I am still painting flowers for you. 夢境卻沒有結束 (I heard everything you said. I dont wanna lose my head.) 我想看看你的臉,得知我已歸家中 When I wake up 如果所有的都只是鏡花水月 The dream i done 我還能再做些什麼? I wanna see your face and know I made it home. 我仍然在為你畫著花兒 If nothing is true 我仍然在為你畫著花兒 What more can I do? 我仍然在為你畫著花兒 I am still painting flowers for you. I am still painting flowers 佛如 有.<比如>i 阿門 still painting flowers 佛如 有.<比如>