- Shinedown her name is Alice 歌詞
- Shinedown
- (If I had a world of my own everything will be nonsense)
我的專屬世界將會是一片混沌 (Nothing will be what it is because everything will be what it isnt) 萬物皆失去其本真 I invite you to a world where there is no such thing as time 我邀你去那沒有時間存在的永恆 And every creature lends themself to change your state of mind 每個生靈都在改變你的固有思維 And the girl that chase the rabbit drank the wine and took the pill 追逐白兔的女孩喝光飲料服下藥片 Has locked herself in limbo to see how it truly feels 掉入深淵以尋求本真 To stand outside your virtue 超脫本能 No one can ever hurt you 便無人能傷你 Or so they say 他們說 Her name is Alice (Alice) 她是愛麗絲 She crawls into the window 她爬進窗扉 Through shapes and shadows 透過暗影 Alice (Alice) 愛麗絲 And even though she is dreaming, she knows 即使深陷夢境她仍知曉 Sometimes the curiosity can kill the soul but leave the pain 有時驚異會扼殺魂靈徒留痛苦 And every ounce of innocence is left inside her brain 每一寸純真都存留在她的心中 And through the looking glass we see shes painfully returned 鏡中的她痛苦歸來 But now off with her head I fear is everyones concern 人人擔憂她被梟首 You see theres no real ending 你看哪有什麼真正的結局 Its only the beginning 只有另一個開始罷了 Come out and play 所以來玩吧 Her name is Alice (Alice) 她是愛麗絲 She crawls into to the window 匍匐進入窗櫺 Through shapes and shadows 透過陰影 Alice (Alice) 愛麗絲 And even though she is dreaming 如果是個夢幻 Shes unlocked the meaning for you 她便在夢幻中為你闡明意義 This kingdom good riddance 這片國土中有偉大的解脫 Her freedom and innocence 她的自由她的聖潔 Has brought this whole thing down 已將邪惡打倒 Her name is Alice (Alice) 她名為愛麗絲 She crawls into to the window 她爬進窗櫺 Through shapes and shadows 穿過暗影 Alice (Alice) 愛麗絲 And even though she is dreaming 即便是個虛幻 Shes unlocked the meaning 她也尋到了意義 (Midnights hard nights marching into the fights 午夜冷寂殊死搏鬥悄然而來 Dreapy shreapy they dont mean to screapy) 對那些陰鬱的破碎的她們也不打算尖叫 Shes unlocked the meaning for you 她解開了疑問 (In contrary wise what it is it wouldnt be) 反過來說是為非 (And what it wouldnt be it would) 非即是 (You see) 明白了嗎?