- Danny Elfman Jack's Lament 歌詞
- Danny Elfman
- There are few who'd deny, at what I do I am the best
沒有人能否認我那傲人的成績 For my talents are renowned far and wide 我驚嚇的天賦聲名狼藉 When it comes to surprises in the moonlit night 每當月色降臨,我就帶來了恐懼 I excel without ever even trying 我無需努力就能超越自己 With the slightest little effort of my ghostlike charms 我只要稍稍的施展,我那鬼魅的魔咒 I have seen grown men give out a shriek 見多識廣的人也不免驚聲尖叫 With the wave of my hand, and a well-placed moan 我揮一揮手,就能製造驚恐 I have swept the very bravest off their feet 我已經將勇氣從他們的腳下抽走 Yet year after year, it's the same routine 一年又一年,不過是從前的重複 And I grow so weary of the sound of screams 我已經厭倦了尖叫 And I, Jack, the Pumpkin King 因為,我,傑克,南瓜之王 Have grown so tired of the same old thing 已經厭煩了陳舊的老套路 Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones 在這些枯骨的深處 An emptiness began to grow 漸漸萌生一種空虛 There's something out there, far from my home 就在外面,遠離我窩巢的地方 A longing that I've never known 有些事情我還是不懂 I'm a master of fright, and a demon of light 我是恐怖大師!我是光亮中的魔怪! And I'll scare you right out of your pants 我能把你從褲子裡嚇得跳出來! To a guy in Kentucky, I'm Mister Unlucky 在肯塔基州,噩運就是我的名頭! And I'm known throughout England and France 我的名聲已傳遍了法蘭西和英格蘭! And since I am dead, I can take off my head 自從我死掉之後,我就可以取下我的頭 To recite Shakespearean quotations 把莎翁的經典吟誦 No animal nor man can scream like I can 沒有誰能發出我那樣的尖嘯 With the fury of my recitations 因為我的怒火就在那吟誦之中! But who here would ever understand 但、誰又能懂我 That the Pumpkin King with the skeleton grin 這南瓜頭上詭異的微笑 Would tire of his crown, if they only understood 我已厭煩我的冠冕,誰又能感同身受 He'd give it all up if he only could 如果可以,他願放下名聲與成就 Oh, there's an empty place in my bones 空虛塞滿了我的骸骨 That calls out for something unknown 還有那渴望新奇的呼聲 The fame and praise come year after year 名望與讚美雖然年復一年 Does nothing for these empty tears 但我的淚水中只剩下虛空