- Niki Rand The Kill 歌詞
- Flying Lotus Niki Rand
- mm Cow
迷 Little killer, hardly 殺手很少出現 Better days, have you seen them? They leave, blew away 那些美好的時光,你看到了嗎?它已經飛走了 But theres a mark out on me 但是對我來說刻骨銘心 An arrow sent blades to defend his heart beating 丘比特之箭射中了他的心 Beat repeating 感受它跳動的內心 Embers of half sleep dream scapes 愛情的火焰漸漸熄滅 The distance fades, Im rearranging the game 距離慢慢拉近,我要重啟這個遊戲 Dont you want to play? 你會參與嗎? Heavy to move but slowly 負重前行慢慢來 Burned in his gaze 讓激情燃燒 A scarlet tongue and how it prays only to one shape 虔誠的祈禱也許會饒你一命 The Kill 殺手