- B.O.B Magic (Feat. Rivers Cuomo) 歌詞
- B.O.B
- Hi, my name is Bob, and I approve this message
嗨我的名字叫BOB 我來證實這一消息
我天賦異禀擁有魔力 I got the magic in me 每次我觸碰的歌曲都會變成黃金單曲 Everytime I touch that track it turns into gold 每個人都知道我天賦異禀擁有魔力 Everybody knows I've got the magic in me 我的氣場震撼了眾人女孩們都朝我按快門 When I hit the flow the girls come snappin' at me 現在每個人都想要見識一下這股魔力 Now everybody wants some presto magic 魔力 Magic, magic, magic 魔力 Magic, magic, magic 魔力 Magic, magic, magic 我天賦異禀擁有魔力 I got the magic in me! 我將試圖吧這些特技輸送入你腦中
來一段副歌隨便一段我會在逐字逐句間將你催眠 These tricks that I'll attempt will blow your mind 我需要一個志願者你怎麼樣就在眾目睽睽之下 Pick a verse, any verse, I'll hypnotise you with every line 過來到前面就站在這別害羞 I'll need a volunteer, how about you, with the eyes? 我會使你踏上時光之旅讓你思緒萬千 Come on down to the front , and stand right here and don't be shy 人們想要繼承我的技藝因此問我 I'll have you time-travellin', have your mind babblin' 即使是David Blaine (一個魔術師)也要再去修煉修煉 People tryna inherit the skill so they askin' me 我看見Mindfreak (破膽王一檔魔術節目)也在驚奇到底怎麼了發生啥了 Even David Blaine had to go and take some classes, and 好有一人來了大家都會來來看今晚的表演 I see Mindfreak like, 'What's up man, what's happenin'?' 準備好被我驚呆吧沒有鬼魂或神動 So come one, come all, and see the show tonight 你知道我不是匹諾曹我從不說謊 Prepare to be astounded, no Ghost or Poltergeist 所以叫我魔術先生我能漂浮在九霄雲外 You know I'm no Pinocchio, I've never told a lie 我天賦異禀擁有魔力 So call me Mr . Magic Man, I float on Cloud 9 每次我觸碰的歌曲都會變成黃金單曲
每個人都知道我天賦異禀擁有魔力 I got the magic in me (I got the magic, baby) 我的氣場震撼了眾人女孩們都朝我按快門 Everytime I touch that track it turns into gold (Yes it turns to gold) 現在每個人都想要見識一下這股魔力 Everybody knows I' ve got the magic in me (I got the magic, baby) 魔力 When I hit the flow the girls come snappin' at me (They be snappin' baby) 魔力 Now everybody wants some presto magic 魔力 Magic, magic, magic 我天賦異禀擁有魔力 Magic, magic, magic 好來我腦中遨遊一番 Magic, magic, magic 你將看見為什麼我的富有韻律的歌曲釋放毒液 I got the magic in me! 呆在路邊所以當我的時間到了我就喊我媽媽
我衝上舞台眾人瘋狂然後我跳入人群 Well take a journey into my mind 看看當我演唱時踩著節拍啪嗒達達 You'll see why it's venom I rhyme 看我誘騙你遨遊蒼天進入銀河間 Stay on the road, so I call my mama when I got time 我就像Aretha(美國靈魂歌后)歌唱我又是多麼受人尊敬就像凱撒一樣 I hit the stage, go insane, then jump into that crowd 我踩著adidas帥氣臨門一腳讓凝固的膠體重溶成黏合劑 See, see, when I rhyme I flow on the beat like pidda-dow-dow 要小心啦因為表演過後我可能會消除你記憶 See I decieve you with my intergalactic ether 我衝破桎梏束縛就像Evel Knievel(飛車特技手號稱不死天王) I sing just like Aretha, so respect me like I'm Caesar 這是場驚人的演出我的心臟正泵出柴油 I kick it like Adidas, flowin' sticky like adhesive 因此任你所言都不能取悅我內心 Be cautious, 'cause what I be on'll leave you with amnesia 我每天都重複此舉忽悠人(hocus pocus 指騙人的把戲)就是我的鐵則 I break all the rules like Evel Knievel 我天賦異禀擁有魔力 It's a spectacular show, 'cause my heart pumps diesel 每次我觸碰的歌曲都會變成黃金單曲 So whatever you saying, it don't entertain my ego 每個人都知道我天賦異禀擁有魔力 I do this everyday, Hocus Pocus is my steelo 我的氣場震撼了眾人女孩們都朝我按快門
現在每個人都想要見識一下這股魔力 I got the magic in me (I got the magic, baby) 魔力 Everytime I touch that track it turns into gold (Yes it turns to gold) 魔力 Everybody knows I've got the magic in me (I got the magic, baby) 魔力 When I hit the flow the girls come snappin' at me (They be snappin' baby) 我天賦異禀擁有魔力 Now everybody wants some presto magic Magic, magic, magic Magic, magic, magic Magic, magic, magic I got the magic in me!.