- Rod Stewart Grace 歌詞
- Rod Stewart
- As we gather in the chapel here in old Kilmainham Jaill
當你我重新相聚於凱勒梅堡監獄的教堂 I think about these past few weeks, oh will they say we've failed? 我一直在想這過去的幾周里,他們會說我們已經失敗了嗎? From our school days they have told us we must yearn for liberty 自從學生時代開始,我們就被告知一定要去追尋自由 Yet all I want in this dark place is to have you here with me 然而在這個昏暗的地方,我現在唯一想要的就是和你在一起 Oh Grace just hold me in your arms and let this moment linger 哦,格蕾絲,請擁我入懷吧!也許這樣就可以讓時間永遠停留在這一刻 They'll take me out at dawn and I will die 等到天一亮他們就會帶我離開這裡,然後我就會死去 With all my love I place this wedding ring upon your finger 懷著我對你所有的愛意,請讓我為你戴上這枚訂婚戒指 There won't be time to share our love for we must say goodbye 很抱歉沒有時間去細細體會我們之間的愛情,因為我已必須要和你說再見了
親愛的,我知道對你來說很難理解我對這些勇敢的人所流露出的感情 Now I know it's hard for you my love to ever understand 這份感情正如我對這個我深愛著的國家一樣 The love I bare for these brave men, my love for this dear land 但是當帕德里奇再一次召喚我到他身邊的時候 But when Pádraic called me to his side down in the GPO 就算強忍著病痛我也一定會去到他那裡,因為那是我的使命 I had to leave my own sick bed, to him I had to go 哦,格蕾絲,請擁我入懷吧!也許這樣就可以讓時間永遠停留在這一刻 Oh, Grace just hold me in your arms and let this moment linger 等到天一亮他們就會帶我離開這裡,然後我就會死去 They'll take me out at dawn and I will die 懷著我對你所有的愛意,請讓我為你戴上這枚訂婚戒指 With all my love I'll place this wedding ring upon your finger 很抱歉沒有時間去細細體會我們之間的愛情,因為我已必須要和你說再見了 There won't be time to share our love for we must say goodbye 隨著逐漸接近破曉,我的心也隨之破碎
當我在這個五月的清晨離開的時候,我心裡想的一定會是你 Now as the dawn is breaking , my heart is breaking too 在我離開之前我會在牆上寫一些話,這樣所有人都會知道 On this May morn as I walk out, my thoughts will be of you 我對你的愛是如此之深,以至於我會讓玫瑰上灑滿他的鮮血 And I'll write some words upon the wall so everyone will know 哦,格蕾絲,請擁我入懷吧!也許這樣就可以讓時間永遠停留在這一刻 I loved so much that I could see his blood upon the rose 等到天一亮他們就會帶我離開這裡,然後我就會死去 Oh, Grace just hold me in your arms and let this moment linger 懷著我對你所有的愛意,請讓我為你戴上這枚訂婚戒指 They'll take me out at dawn and I will die 很抱歉沒有時間去細細體會我們之間的愛情,因為我已必須要和你說再見了 With all my love I'll place this wedding ring upon your finger 很抱歉沒有時間去細細體會我們之間的愛情,因為我已必須要和你說再見了 There won't be time to share our love for we must say goodbye No there won't be time to share our love for we must say goodbye