- Bon Iver AUATC 歌詞
- Bon Iver
嗯你徹夜未眠 Well you're up all night 而你情緒低落 and your head's down low 如果你眼看著屬於自己的風箏 if You can see your own kite 該給它一點光亮不是嗎? (Shed a little light on it..No?) 你知道這負擔它不是毫無意義的 Ya know a burden aint a bust, 你的唯一選擇只能 You are the only way to 相信自己 trust ya 最直接的是燃燒那已被腐蝕掉的 Its only fair it burns up in that rust 放下吧瑪莎 Lay down Martha 放下那神聖的旗幟 Lay down the holy banner flag 堅持住瑪莎 hold out Martha 援救正在來的路上 Help is surely on it's way 然而這也並不正確 And its not right 不要洗禮在我的光亮之中 dont bask in the glory of MINE 但是不會的他們不能把它奪走 but oh no they cant come take that part a way 碗裡見底了 They ate up all their cake 酒也喝盡了 And they drank their own wine 他們一直在受賄 They were always on the take ! 他們明明可以流灑一道光在這裡 They could SHED A LITTLE Light 不是嗎 on it no ? 是啊 well 你知道這負擔它不是一陣風 you no the burden aint a gust 去愛唯一選擇是觸碰 the only path to love is touch 我一直都知道那些山峰太過高 Ill always know that all that proper mounts too much 放下吧瑪莎 Lay down Martha 放下那些光潔雪白 Lay all that alabaster down 這裡沒有誰是主人,他大概還是會來的 Theres no master, and he'p will surely come around 我不問 i Dont ask 我不洗禮在光亮之中 I dont bask in the glory oh no nah nahh... 戴不戴上這個面具在於我 And its up to me if I don't wear a mask 嗯你徹夜未眠 Well yer up all night 你的鄰居不清楚 and Your neighbors don't know 兄弟,你的鄰居不明白 Man, your neighbors don 't know! 流灑一道微光 So shed a little light! 你知道負擔是毫無意義的 You know a burden a bust 你知道一切靠真相支撐著 You know that truths been known to crutch 不不不只有他們是靠貧民支撐的 No no noonly them who’s pauper lays him up