- Milow Michael Jordan 歌詞
- Milow
- [length: 04:38.589]
彼時我年方14 受到重挫 [tool: 歌詞滾動姬https://lrc-maker.github.io] 坐在鎮裡的黑色屋頂上 I was 14 and losing ground 沒有贏家也沒有退卻者 In a black top of a town 我的父親說“孩子你畢業了 When no one wins and no one's leaving 因為這個世界或會十分殘忍” My dad said 'Son, you finish school 我說“你也是” 然後繼續沉浸在幻想中 Because this world can be so cruel ' 我和你一點都不像全然不同 I said 'You too' and kept on dreaming 為何你對我這般知之甚少 I'm nothing like you nothing like you 我暗自發誓無論如何我要讓你為我驕傲 Why don't you know anything about me 可為何你總要對我抱有懷疑 I swear somehow I'll make you proud 1995年發生了一件我生命中的大事 But why you wanna always go and doubt me 一個芝加哥的英雄成為我心中的傳奇 Story of my life in 1995 曾有百萬個寂寞的夜 A hero in Chicago a legend in my mind 我竭力嘗試了百萬遍 A million lonely nights 只為能和邁克爾·喬丹一樣高躍 A million times I tried 可事實上我從未達到他的程度 To jump like Michael Jordan 彼時我年方19 背井離鄉 But never quite as high 父母再也不能於院中將我逮回家 When I was 19 I ran so far 我漂泊遊歷在異域他鄉 They couldn't catch me on the yard 我的父親說“孩子回家吧 I traveled unfamiliar places 你獨自一人是無法過活的 My dad said 'Son, just come back home 你只是在漫無目的地浪費心力” You won't survive out on your own 我和你一點都不像全然不同 You're on a fast break running aimless' 為何你不願相信我心中已有答案 But I'm nothing like you nothing like you 我暗自發誓無論如何我要讓你為我驕傲 Why don't you believe I have the answers 可為何如今你不願讓我去試試運氣呢 I swear somehow I'll make you proud 1995年發生了一件我生命中的大事 But why can't you just let me take my chances now 一個芝加哥的英雄成為我心中的傳奇 Story of my life in 1995 曾有百萬個寂寞的夜 A hero in Chicago a legend in my mind 我竭力嘗試了百萬遍 A million lonely nights 只為能和邁克爾·喬丹一樣高躍 A million times I tried 可事實上我從未達到他的程度 To jump like Michael Jordan 如今我年至49 人生的遊戲掌握在我自己手中 But never quite as high 每天晚上辛苦加班 I'm 49, the game is mine 我熬過了困境仍舊玩著這場人生遊戲 And every night is overtime 我的父親也早已離開了人世 I beat the odds and I'm still playing 我真希望他能見見我那正直青春期的兒子 My dad has passed he's been long gone 教育他遠比我想像得要困難 I wish he'd met my teenage son 如今的我就如同彼時的你一般 It's been harder than I thought to raise him 他一聲不吭地跳起來準備上籃 I'm just like you so much like you 哪怕我內心之中為他深感驕傲 Silent as he's jumping for a layup 可我也如你一般不敢說出口承認 But I'm so proud of him so proud 現在我決定告訴他我為他而自豪 But just like you I'm still too scared to say it 1995年發生了一件我生命中的大事 So I 'll say it now 一個芝加哥的英雄成為我心中的傳奇 Story of my life in 1995 曾有百萬個寂寞的夜 A hero in Chicago a legend in my mind 我竭力嘗試了百萬遍 A million lonely nights 只為能和邁克爾·喬丹一樣高躍 A million times I tried 1995年發生了一件我生命中的大事 To jump like Michael Jordan 一個芝加哥的英雄成為我心中的傳奇 Story of my life in 1995 曾有百萬個寂寞的夜 A hero in Chicago a legend in my mind 我竭力嘗試了百萬遍 A million lonely nights 只為能和邁克爾·喬丹一樣高躍 A million times we tried 可事實上我從未達到他的程度 To jump like Michael Jordan 只為能和邁克爾·喬丹一樣高躍 But never quite as high 我希望你終能觸碰到天空 To jump like Michael Jordan 我希望你終能夠實現願景 I hope you'll reach the sky 我希望你能展翅化鳳飛縱九霄 I hope you'll reach the sky I hope you'll reach the sky I I I I