- Emeli Sandé My Kind of Love 歌詞
- Emeli Sandé
- I cant buy your love dont even wanna try
我不能強迫你來愛我,也不會去乞求你愛我, Sometimes the truth wont make you happy 有的時候忠言逆耳 So Im not gonna lie! 所以我不會欺騙你 But dont ever question if my heart beats only for you 但是你毋庸懷疑我的心是否只為你而跳動 It beats only for you! 它只為你跳動 Know Im far from perfect nothing like your arms to rush 我知道自己很平庸,並不像你身邊其他的人那樣優秀 I cant grant you any wishes I wont promise you the stars! 我不能許諾給你我不能應允的承諾 But dont ever question if my heart beats only for you 但是你毋庸懷疑我的心是否只為你而跳動 It beats only for you! 它只為你跳動
因為當你已經放棄時 Cause when youve given up 當你無論做什麼都遠算不上好 When no matter what you do is never good enough 當你從來沒有想過事情會變得如此糟糕的時候 When you never thought that it could ever get this tough 你就會感受到我對你的愛 Thats when you feel my kind of love! 當你痛苦淚流的時候 And when youre crying up 當你舉步維艱的時候 When you fall and I cant pick youre heavy off the ground 當你們朋友都離你而去的時候 When the friends you thought you had havent stuck around 你就會感受到我對你的愛 Thats when you feel my kind of love! 你不會在聚會上看到我因為我想我不是個風趣的人 You wont see me at the parties I guess Im just no fun 我不會在廣播中 I wont be turning up the radio 高聲唱到寶貝你是我的唯一 Singing baby youre the one! 但是你毋庸懷疑我的心是否只為你而跳動 But dont ever question if my heart beats only for you 它只為你跳動 It beats only for you! 我知道有的時候我生氣了會說一些口是心非的話 I know sometimes I get angry and I say what I don't mean 我也知道自己顯得格格不入,可是這是我保護內心的一種方式 I know I keep my heart protected far away from my sleep 但是你毋庸懷疑我的心是否只為你而跳動 But dont ever question if my heart beats only for you 它只為你跳動 It beats only for you! 因為當你已經放棄時 Cause when youve given up 當你無論做什麼都遠算不上好 When no matter what you do is never good enough 當你從來沒有想過事情會變得如此糟糕的時候 When you never thought that it could ever get this tough 你就會感受到我對你的愛 Thats when you feel my kind of love! 當你痛苦淚流的時候 And when youre crying up 當你舉步維艱的時候 When you fall and I cant pick youre heavy off the ground 當你們朋友都離你而去的時候 When the friends you thought you had havent stuck around 你就會感受到我對你的愛 Thats when you feel my kind of love! 因為當你已經放棄時 Cause when youve given up 當你無論做什麼都遠算不上好 When no matter what you do is never good enough 當你從來沒有想過事情會變得如此糟糕的時候 When you never thought that it could ever get this tough 這時你才會感受到我的愛 Thats when you feel my kind of love!