- Paramore no friend 歌詞
- Paramore
- [WIP]
我覺得它們 These old letters from years ago 終於能把我內心的想法表達出來 I felt it was leading to a 又一個深紅色的房間 […] 又一個黑壓壓的城市 When I wrote this […] I may have been finally able to address how it feels 又一個名字被拼錯的樂隊將他們的房子付之一炬
又一曲為這死氣沉沉的生活所作的曲又一次的停留 [Main vocals] 熾烈的橙色永遠好過這毫無生氣的灰色
又一片產不出果實的貧瘠之地 Another brick-red room 又一首太過冗長的歌 Another black-top town 老天知道這世界不需要更多誤入歧途的人們了 Another misspelled band burning their own houses down 面目模糊的人們給我們投了幾個硬幣於是我們在燃燒的蒼穹下獻上狂(riot)舞(riot!是樂隊2007年專輯的名字) Another pine-box tune to fill the cemetery day another stay 在我們誇張的妝容下藏著的是對那些狂熱笑容的恐懼 A touch of orange over purgatory gray 所以拜託你們別再把我們當神明膜拜把這崇拜擲入大海 Another thorny field to scatter fruitless seed 因為私底下的我根本沒你想像的那麼完美 Another song that runs too long 我躺在床上為這一知半解的自我剖析悲痛不已 God knows no one needs more misguided ghosts 連床都讓我不得安寧 More transparent hands to drop a nickel in our basket and we'll do our riot! dance beneath another burning sky 這不過是最普通的罪過罷了你也許會說這就是我野心勃勃的代價 Behind our painted lips in scares catatonic smile-covered ankle-bitten ships 我不想讓你失望所以我寧願溺死自己單調無趣的靈魂扮演你天真想像出來的角色 So throw your pedestal of stone in the forgetful sea as protection from the paper-thin 我感到最自由的時候 Perfection you project on me when this repetition ends behind the window shades 是我雙目如炬無人以為他們了解我時 A semi-conscious sorrow sleeping in the bed I've made 所以在這團亂麻又開始作祟前 That most unrestful bed 在那刺眼的太陽升起前 That most original of sins and you'll say that's what I get when I let ambition win again 我的司機在等我所以我在這把話說清楚了: I'd hate to let you down so I'll let the waters rise and drown my dull reflection in the naive expectation in your eyes back in a cast bit-part 你在聚光燈下看到的華麗標誌 Back when I felt most free 不過是我眼裡一件襯衫的設計 I had a butcher's heart and no one thought they knew me 我不是你的救世主你也不是我的朋友 So before the regiment resumes 你並不是我的朋友 Before the dreaded sun appears 你並不是我的朋友 My driver's waiting so let's make one point crystal clear: 我不是你的救世主你也不是我的朋友 You see a flood-lit form 你在聚光燈下看到的華麗標誌 I see a shirt design 不過是我眼裡一件襯衫的設計 I'm no savior of yours and you're no friend of mine 我不是你的救世主你也不是我的朋友 You're no friend of mine 我在人們眼裡看到我自己的倒影 You're no friend of mine 意識到他們眼裡的我根本不是我自己 I' m no savior of yours and you're no friend of mine 我恨自己竟因此更加畏懼 You see a flood-lit form 我覺得他們應該聽過這個故事: I see a shirt design 河上浮著一隻熊我以為那是皮衣 I'm no savior of yours and you're no friend of mine 12年前我站在河邊(12年前hayley創建了paramore樂隊)
跳進河裡去抓那件皮衣 [Talking] 河水遄流奔向遠方瀑布
我的朋友站在河邊大喊著讓我放開皮衣回到岸上 I see myself in the reflection of people's eyes 我鬆開了拽緊皮衣的手那皮衣卻不讓我走 Realising what they see may not be even close to the image I see in myself 如果我還能給你些什麼請讓我知道 And I hate I might actually be more afraid 如果什麼都給不了你了就請將我們的感激銘記於心吧 […] I feel like they know the story I saw a bear floating in the river and thought it was a fur coat Twelve years ago I stood on the shore Jump in and grab the coat And the river is rushing toward a waterfall And my friend stood at the shore and shouted to let go of the coat and swim back to land I let go of the coat but the coat won't let go of me In any case please let me know if there's more I can give you If nothing comes of it , then just know we are grateful
After Laughter
> Fast in My Car
> (One of Those) Crazy Girls
> That's What You Get (Album Version)
> Still Into You
> For A Pessimist, Im Pretty Optimistic
> Emergency (Live at the Congress Theatre, Chicago, IL, 8122008)
> All We Know
> Misery Business
> Interlude: Holiday
> Franklin
> Figure 8
> Rose-Colored Boy
> My Heart (Live at the Congress Theatre, Chicago, IL, 8122008)
> Decode (Live at Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Morrison, CO, 8122014)
> Crushcrushcrush
> Native Tongue
> Here We Go Again
> Misery Business
> (One of Those) Crazy Girls
> Still Into You
> Told You So
> Hello Cold World
> Rewind (Demo)
> Ignorance (Album Version)
> Rose-Colored Boy (Mix 2)
> For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic (Live at the Congress Theatre, Chicago, IL, 8122008)
> Ignorance
> Fake Happy (Edit)
> Ain't It Fun
> Crushcrushcrush
- Paramore
> All We Know Is Falling
> 2011 Grammy Nominees
> Transformers: Dark Of The Moon (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
> Fake Happy (Edit)
> Riot!
> Ignorance
> The News
> This Is Why
> Paramore