- A Song To Pass The Time 歌詞 Bright Eyes
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- Bright Eyes A Song To Pass The Time 歌詞
- Bright Eyes
一個中年婦女步履瞞珊 There is a middle-aged woman dragging her feet 提著籃子來到洗衣店 She carries baskets of clothes to a laundromat 一旁的墨西哥男孩在街上踢著石子 While the Mexican children kick rocks into the street 他們用著我聽不懂的言語談笑 And they laugh in a language I dont understand 但我深愛著他們 But I love them 為何吾愛至深 Why do I love them 因為當我在門廊吸煙之時,我的鄰居們正暗自神傷 So the neighborhood is dimming as I smoke on the porch 看這人們圍堵著他們的車 And watch the people as they pass enclosed inside their cars 只有憤怒和失望寫在臉上 And on their faces just anger or disappointment 我希望我可以給他們一些給予 I start wishing there was something I could offer them 安慰如何 A consolation what could I offer them 當他們傷心地在郊區用著機器人澆灌土地 When they are sad in their suburbs robots water the lawn 所觸之地皆是一塵不染 And everything they touch gets dusted spotless 所以他們開始感覺大家各自為營 So they start to believe that they havent touched anything at all 當汽車在道路上飛馳 While the cars in the driveway only multiply 他們在房子裡迷失自己 They are lost in their houses 我聽見他們在浴室高歌 I have heard them sing in the shower 在電話里和姐妹長篇大論滔滔不竭 And making speeches to their sister on the telephone 說回家吧回家把 Saying You come home 親愛的回家吧 Darling you come here 不要把我拒你之外 Dont stay so far away from me 這糟糕的天氣讓我更渴望你的愛 This weather has me wanting love more tangible 我竭力挽留,因為天氣愈冷 Something I can hold because its getting cold 讓我們向夜空的焰火舉起拳頭 So lets hold up our fists to the flame in the sky 來遮住我們眼前的光明 To block out the light that is reaching for our eyes 因為我們會被蒙蔽它將會把我們蒙蔽 Because it would blind us It will blind us 我已經困於生活瑣事 Now I have locked my actions in the grooves of routine 所以我可能難以擺脫冷漠 So I may never be free of this apathy 但我還是遙望著遠方的信箋 But I wait for a letter that is coming to me 她寄來一張鋪著海洋的明信片 She sends me pictures of the ocean in an envelope 我一直在等候 So there still is hope 我確定它會帶我走出困頓 Yes I can be healed 有人在我記憶深處尋找我所遮掩之處 There is someone looking for what I concealed in my secret drawer 在我口袋深處 In my pockets deep 你將發現我輾轉難眠的原因是你仍然需要我 You will find the reasons that I cant sleep and you will still want me 但你會讓我一直伴你左右嗎 But will you still want me 在我到來的這一周 Well I say come for the week 我們可以共眠 You can sleep in my bed 你如夢一般穿過了我的生活 And then pass through my life like a dream through my head 這些是易如反掌的,我可以處理好它 It will be easy I will make it easy 但現在我只是以此歌來消磨時光 But all I have for the moment is a song to pass the time 我不會擔心旋律是否靈悅 A melody to keep me from worrying 所需的只是一些連續的音符 Oh some simple progression to keep my fingers busy 那些話語也終會歡笑著會回到我的身邊 And some words that are sure to come back to me and they will be laughing 我的庸庸碌碌,我的如此一生 My mediocrity My mediocrity