- Tim Moxam Live in the Bedroom 歌詞
- Tim Moxam
- In the morning we'll wake to the sound of the neighbors
清晨我們會在鄰居的吵鬧聲中醒來 And we'll curse and we'll blame and we'll call them funny names 然後咒罵抱怨著為他們取一些滑稽的名字 You will cover your eyes from the morning light with your shirt 你會用襯衫遮擋眼前傾瀉的陽光 And think of the grasshopper warming in the dirt 想像著泥土中蓄勢生長的小蚱蜢 And as we will lay, be reminded of the day 然後我們躺在那裡將這天定格在回憶裡 By the noises of footsteps and the slamming of doors 充斥著雜亂的腳步和關門的聲響 And the drilling and sawing of the workers from under our bed 床下房間的工人們揮舞著鑽頭電鋸 We 'll ignore and make love to the roar of their… 而我們在這咆哮的噪音中肆意激情 In the nighttime we'll study the sounds of our voices 夜幕降臨時我們會研究自己的聲音 And learn of the scents to which we have been drawn 它浸透著獨屬我們的氣息 I'll not open my eyes cause I've not slept for days 我會久久地閉著眼睛因我已數夜未眠 Or is it I'm blind by the beauty in your face? 亦或是你耀眼的容顏已使我失去光明 We'll trust to our fingers to feel in the darkness 我們在黑暗中放任自己的手指 To trace and define all the shapes we desire 摩挲描畫著所有名為渴望的輪廓 We will seek and discover just how close we can get to each other 我們將不斷尋找彼此間最近的距離 And I'll wait for your new eyes to meet mine again 直到你的目光再次落在我的雙眼 Our sheets will be made of some fine hand-woven cotton 我們的床單將由一些上好的手織棉製成 Ironed and spread across a King sized bed frame 熨燙鋪展在特大號的雙人床墊之上 Their colours will reflect the seasons that have passed us by 它們的色澤映射著我們共同度過的歲月 Though no weariness stained will reflect in our eyes 倦怠的印漬卻不會沾染在彼此的眼中 Though if we should tire of our lives in the bedroom 也許我們應該在臥室虛度掉剩餘的光陰 And make from the kitchen through the hall to the door 穿過走廊從廚房直至門口 And if we should choose to explore together or alone 如果有一天我們將做出前行的選擇 I'll remember the days when the bed was our home 我會記住那些以床為家的日子