- 土屋アンナ u 歌詞
- 土屋アンナ
- Red clouds in the east, I opened my eyes
紅色的雲彩從東方飄過,我睜開眼睛 in the Bloody battlefield, when can I find you. 在血腥的戰場上,我何時才能找到你 I was lost in grief. Tears came from my eyes. 我在悲慟中失去了你,淚水湧上眼眶 No need to draw blood anymore 不需要再吸血 Sad eyes follow me, And I think Im falling 悲傷的眼睛追隨著我,我想我在墜落 I lot my armor during the battle 抽籤決定我該佩戴哪副鎧甲去戰鬥 Please dont leave me alone, I cant stop my pain. 請不要丟下我一個,我無法停止疼痛 Breathe world of love 呼吸愛的世界 Savage world in which you live 你居住在一個野蠻的世界 Suddenly, dark sky chasing me. 突然,漆黑的天幕追逐著我 You know your God is watching you 你知道你的上帝正在看著你 Floating down from the sky & calling you 從天空中降落並警告你 Just a little while I want to be with you 我想要陪伴你,一小會就好 Wiping away all of my tears, for you 為你,我擦乾了淚水
你能感受到我嗎?你能看到我嗎? Can you feel me now? Can you see me? 拉動觸發器,然後說再見! Pulled the trigger and Say good-by 若你是我的天使的話,請帶我去我的坡道 Please take me to my groove, if youre my angel 不需要再落淚 No need to drop tears anymore 你居住在一個野蠻的世界 Savage world in which you live 突然,漆黑的天幕追逐著我 Suddenly, dark sky chasing me . 我知道我的上帝想要奪走你 I know my god is taking you 從那片黑暗中拯救我,我失去了你 Save me from the dark, Im losing you 我所想的一切就是—愛你 All I want to say is loving you 為你,擦乾我的淚水 Wiping away all of your tears, for you 墮落天使親吻了我,在我奄奄一息的時候收留了我 Fallen angel kissed me, Holding my last breath. 墮落天使為我哭泣 Fallen angel cried for me. 愛情是甜蜜的煎熬 Love is sweet torment 我對他的愛從未死去 My love for him has never died 愛情是最後的永恆,或者註定曇花一現 Doeslove last forever or is it ephemeral 你知道你的上帝正在看著你 You know your God is watching you 從天空中降落並警告你 Floating down from the sky & calling you 我想要陪伴你,一小會就好 Just a little while I want to be with you 為你,我擦乾了淚水 Wiping away all of my tears, for you 墮落天使親吻了我,在我奄奄一息的時候收留了我 Fallen angel kissed me, Holding my last breath. 墮落天使為我哭泣,在我奄奄一息的時候收留了我 Fallen angel cried for me. Holding my last breath. 你知道你的上帝正在看著你 You know your God is watching you 從天空中降落並警告你 Floating down from the sky & calling you 我想要陪伴你,一小會就好 Just a little while I want to be with you 為你,我擦乾了淚水 Wiping away all of my tears, for you