- Taylor Swift gold rush 歌詞
- Taylor Swift
- Gleaming, twinkling
忽閃忽閃的 Eyes like sinking 你的眼眸 Ships on waters 似水中的沉船 So inviting, I almost jump in 令人神往, 我差點兒縱身跳入 But I dont like a gold rush, gold rush 但我不喜歡淘金熱般跟風
我不喜歡自己的臉頰不爭氣地泛紅 I dont like anticipating my face in a red flush 也不喜歡有人甘願死於你的撫摸 I dont like that anyone would die to feel your touch 每個人都渴望擁有你 Everybody wants you 每個人都好奇愛上你會是怎樣一番景象 Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you 擦身而過, 髮梢掠過 Walk past , quick brush 我不喜歡玫色腮紅飄散時的慢動作和重影 I dont like slow motion, double vision in rose blush 也不喜歡墜落時看似飛翔卻只能換來粉身碎骨 I dont like that falling feels like flying til the bone crush 每個人都渴望擁有你 Everybody wants you 但我並不喜歡跟風 But I dont like a gold rush 從小到大都那般俊俏的感覺一定很好吧? What must it be like to grow up that beautiful? 你的秀發像多米諾骨牌般整齊濃密
我回想起自己輕聲走在你家木地板上 With your hair falling into place like dominos 門口掛著我的費城老鷹隊T卹 I see me padding across your wooden floors 晚宴上我當眾指責你的叛逆 With my Eagles t-shirt hanging from the door 我們漫步的那座沿海小鎮也未曾見過如此純粹的愛 At dinner parties, I call you out on your contrarian shit 而後這些回憶逐漸消失在我那杯陳茶的晦暗裡 And the coastal town we wandered round had never seen a love as pure as it 因為我們從來就不可能 And then it fades into the gray of my day-old tea 因為我不喜歡淘金熱般跟風 Cause it could never be 我不喜歡自己的臉頰不爭氣地泛紅 Cause I dont like a gold rush, gold rush 也不喜歡有人甘願死於你的撫摸
每個人都渴望擁有你 I dont like anticipating my face in a red flush 每個人都好奇愛上你會是怎樣一番景象 I dont like thatanyone would die to feel your touch 擦肩而過, 髮梢掠過 Everybody wants you 我不喜歡玫色腮紅飄散時的慢動作和重影 Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you 也不喜歡墜落時看似飛翔卻只能換來粉身碎骨 Walk past, quick brush 每個人都渴望擁有你 I dont like slow motion, double vision in rose blush 但我並不喜歡跟風 I dont like that falling feels like flying til the bone crush 從小到大都那般俊俏的感覺一定很好吧? Everybody wants you 你的秀發像多米諾骨牌般整齊濃密 But I dont like a gold rush 你的人生在我腦海中化為民間傳說 What must it be like to grow up that beautiful? 我再也不敢做任何關於你的夢
晚宴上我不會當眾指責你的叛逆 With your hair falling into place like dominos 我們從未發現那座沿海小鎮, 更不會看到那般純粹的愛 My mind turns your life into folklore 因為這一切神遊逐漸消失在我那杯陳茶的晦暗裡 I cant dare to dream about you anymore 因為這一切從來不會發生 At dinner parties I wont call you out on your contrarian sh!t 忽閃忽閃的 And the coastal town we never found will never see a love as pure as it 你的眼眸 Cause it fades into the gray of my day-old tea 似水中的沉船 Cause it will never be 令人神往, 我差點兒縱身跳入 Gleaming, twinkling
Eyes like sinking Ships on waters So inviting, I almost jump in