- The Byrds Wasnt Born To Follow 歌詞
- The Byrds
- Wasn't Born to Follow歌詞
Well id rather go and journey 好吧我寧願作一番旅行 Where the diamond crescents glowing 那兒鑽石新月光芒四溢 and Run across the valley 奔跑穿過峽谷 Beneath the sacred mountain 就在神聖之山下 And wander through the forest 闖過這片森林 Where the trees have leaves of prisms 樹上長滿棱鏡般的葉子 And break the light in colors 將光線折射得斑斕各異 That no-one knows the names of 無人可以指點其名 And when its time ill go and wait 時機成熟時我會選擇去留 Beside a legendary fountain 就在一口傳說之泉邊 till i see your form reflected 我親見你的模樣映於其上 In its clear and jeweled waters 如此清澈皎然的水流 And if you think im ready 你若覺得我準備就緒 You may lead me to the chasm 就領我去那峽谷吧 Where the rivers of our vision 我們的許願河就在那裡 Flow into one another 一條接一條汩汩流動 。 。 。 。 。 。 …… I will watch her dive beneath 我會望著她潛入水底 The white cascading waters 潛入這白色瀑流中 She may beg she may plead 她會乞求甚至辯解 She may argue with her logic 她會理清她的邏輯 And mention all the things ill lose 數落我失去的一切東西 That really have no value 實際上並無價值 In the end she will surely know 最後她定會獲悉 I wasnt born to follow 我生來不必追隨他人