- The Strokes Not The Same Anymore 歌詞
- The Strokes
你不再和從前一樣了 You're not the same anymore 不想再陪著你去耍那些兒戲 Don't wanna play that game anymore 你最好哪涼快哪待著去 You'd make a better window than a door 所有的陌生人,他們苦苦哀求 All the strangers, they implore 他們總是容易被忽略 They get so easy to ignore 就像是隔壁家的女孩 Just like the girl next door 叔叔的家裡,那是個午後 Uncle's house, it was noon 不好意思,小男孩·,我才不要求你 Sorry, boy, I can't employ ya 你有點兒奇怪,不過我喜歡 You are strange, but I like you 但對不起,說這些為時已晚 Sorry this is overdue 我答應過我會把事辦好 I promised I would do it right 週六的夜晚她和她的男孩 Her and a boy on a Saturday night 而此刻門砰地一聲關上 And now the door slams shut 少年犯長大了 The child prisoner grows up 就要去找他的敵人們割喉復仇(我在路上) To seek his enemies' throat cut (I'm on and on it, on and on and on it) 我們準備出發,給噴氣機填上燃料 We're on the way, fuel the jet 他想要的他得到的都已然清晰可見 Can see that what he wants, he gets 你的死敵還有什麼遺憾嗎 What does your sworn enemy regret 我不知道,我不在乎 I didn't know, I didn't care 我甚至還不明白是 I don't even understand 有做錯什麼嗎,我不能確定 Didn't somethin' wrong, I wasn't sure 就在這懸崖勒馬的關頭 Stay on top of this horse 我心生畏懼,我搞砸了過往 I was afraid, I fxcked up Yeah, yeah, yeah 我改變不了,來不及改變 I couldn't change, it's too late 現在是時候出席披露自我
我又遲到了,我長不大了 And now it's time to show up 輪到我,他們已經放棄了 I'm late again, I can't grow up 叔叔的家裡,我記不得了 And now it's on me, they've given up 我的暴力傾向顯露 Uncle's house, I forget 你的時機太難堪,而她愛得太過火 Violent tendencies I give 別忘了,你是有保險的 Your timing sucks, she went overboard 我不知道,不確定 Don't forget, you are insured 已經記不太真切 I didn't know, I wasn't sure 我改變不了,太遲了來不及 Can't remember all that well I couldn't change, was too late Yeah, yeah, yeah