- Anti-Flag The Great Divide 歌詞
- Anti-Flag
- lts a breakdown of the greatest divide
這是一次崩碎來自最大的分歧 Never had a chance you were dead when you arrived 當你來臨之時早已再無機會選擇死亡 Class war to the nth degree 階級鬥爭的等級無窮的增長 And theyre coming for us and everyone that we trust 隨之他們找上了我們與每一位我們所信任之人 Its a breakdown of rationality 這是一次崩潰來自理性 Re enforcement of false beliefs 所重新散佈的是錯誤的信仰 Class war to the nth degree 階級鬥爭的等級無窮的增長 And theyre coming for us and everyone that we trust 隨之他們找上了我們與每一位我們所信任之人 While white collar crime runs out of control 當商業詐騙逃脫管控之外時 Across the great dividelays the wretched poor 悲哀的窮人隔著無法跨越的鴻溝 A rotting melting pot of haves and of have nots 一個由窮人與富人構成的腐爛熔爐 So fix your bayonets cause were at war 所以修好你的刺刀只因我們已在戰火之中 its a breakdown of morality 這是一種潰散來自道德 A poor mans prison is a rich mans greed 一個窮人的牢獄之災來自一位富人的貪婪 Class war to the nth degree 階級鬥爭的等級無窮的增長 I God we trust theyre coming for us 他們會找上我們對此我深信不疑 its a breakdown of your godly verse 這是一次崩壞來自你敬虔的詩句 The meek shall inherit the least of the earth 順受之人必將只繼承世間最微小之塵 Class war to the nth degree 階級鬥爭的等級無窮的增長 I God we trust theyre coming for us 他們會找上我們對此我們深信不疑 While white collar crime runs out of control 當商業詐騙逃脫管控之外時 Across the great dividelays the wretched poor 悲哀的窮人隔著無法跨越的鴻溝 A rotting melting pot of haves and of have nots 一個由窮人與富人構成的腐爛熔爐 So fix your bayonets 所以修好你的刺刀 Be strong be brave werecrossing the great divide 做到堅毅做到無畏我們正在跨越最大的分界線 Be brave were crossing the divide 做到無畏 我們正在逾越鴻溝