- gowe Jazz City Poets 歌詞
- gowe
- I'm in a jazz club, I hear the music play
我身處爵士俱樂部中,音樂在我耳邊環繞 I feel the saxophone notes but I just stare at his face 我感受到薩克斯在我耳邊響起但卻移不開我注視他的目光 And I reflect upon his fluid form of movements 他嫻熟的技藝在我腦海中不斷重現 His use of the best band comprised of a couple students, my goodness! 誰能想到他所使用的樂隊居然只由幾個學生組成 I mean talent wise his skill was incomparable 天才的智慧,無可匹敵的技藝 To anything that I've seen so I just ponder and watch 我思考和觀察著我看到的一切 I just look on and really didn't want it to stop tracks that he laid 我繼續前行,無法忘記他留下的痕跡 paid for the train in my thoughts I patiently wait 付了車錢,但我的心依舊停留在他的音樂中 thinking bout this man and his past Did he rock a million shows 他和他的過去,曾引起無數的轟動,他曾炸翻過無數次表演 make a hundred thousand in cash With a few platinum plaques 帶上一大筆錢和幾塊珠寶 at his pad outside of reno Or did he fall deep inside of a new casino 在里諾外的公寓裡,還是在新賭場的深處 These are questions that I pose when I ponder On the chance of me 一些疑惑在我思考的時候浮現 like 20 years down the road when I am half of me 二十年後我是否會變得不再完整? Will I fall under the same fate or direction? 我是否會陷入同樣的命運或方向? Lessons that I've learned when I burn through my conceptions 在我三省自身時回想起自己的經歷(gowe在18歲時才知道自己是被領養的,此前十八年一致認為自己是華人而非韓國人) Its just a cold night, im chilling in my city 寒夜刺骨,孤身一人 I got the whole night, nobodies gonna get me 長夜漫漫,身無旁人 I hear the key notes dancing and I know it 琴鍵響起悅耳的旋律 Welcome to the mind of a jazz city poet 歡迎來到都市爵士詩人的世界 Its just a cold night, im chilling in my city 寒夜刺骨,孤身一人 I got the whole night, nobodies gonna get me 長夜漫漫,身無旁人 I hear the key notes dancing and I know it 琴鍵響起悅耳的旋律 Welcome to the mind of a jazz city poet 歡迎來到都市爵士詩人的世界 I was told that if you're blessed with a gift the most selfish 有人曾告訴我祈求而來的禮物最為自私 Thing you could do is pretend that it didn't exist 你能做的只有假裝他並不存在 So I take drums that hit, with a jazzy riff when I spit 我開始用音樂治療自己,爵士鼓聲響起,嘴裡吐出的jazz rap My moms flipped her script when I told her about my gigs but its cool, 當我告訴母親我演出即將開始時她十分激動(flipped her script 去掉her改成of就是怦然心動但我不知道這麼翻譯對不對仁者見仁智者見智吧) she knew that I was driven at twenty two 她知道在我二十二歲時就痴迷於說唱 now its coming full circle, kicking it back to you 現在經過一個輪迴,又回到你的身邊 Graduated school with a new point of a vengeance 從學校畢業之後,卻迎來一個新的災難 Farewell to my fears I will stay clear of your venom 告別我的恐懼,遠離你的惡意 Stumbled on the serum, chillin with nothing left 親子鑑定後(原文是被血清絆倒,指gowe和養父母做親子鑑定後),我神誌不清 Feelings in my chest like I'm ripping it through a vest 知道自己並非親生的感覺就像赤裸一身 And im taking it to the next step, kill the regret 但我還得堅持下去,不給自己留遺憾 Any mistakes that I made is now a part of my past 我所犯的任何錯誤都是我回憶的一部分 Im taking it home, can't stop, leave it alone 如果犯下的錯誤無法彌補,就深藏心底 Part of myself yells to keep keeping it going 我在清醒之後繼續走下去 The lights dim down again the Saxophone starts to play 燈光又暗下來,薩克斯管繼續演奏 I start to picture everything, I wish I could say 我開始作起藍圖,希望能說出發自內心的朗誦 Its just a cold night, im chilling in my city 寒夜刺骨,孤身一人 I got the whole night, nobodies gonna get me 長夜漫漫,身無旁人 I hear the key notes dancing and I know it 琴鍵響起悅耳的旋律 Welcome to the mind of a jazz city poet 歡迎來到都市爵士詩人的世界 Its just a cold night, im chilling in my city 寒夜刺骨,孤身一人 I got the whole night, nobodies gonna get me 長夜漫漫,身無旁人 I hear the key notes dancing and I know it 琴鍵響起悅耳的旋律 Welcome to the mind of a jazz city poet 歡迎來到都市爵士詩人的世界 I lounge back while I relapse and I might go 我懶洋洋的坐在椅子上,也許是時候繼續了 The whole track starts to relax and I write slow 將軌道放緩,將歌詞鬆軟 Back to the tempo pondering music 回到節奏,思考音樂 When I would think about the future with songs 用音樂思考未來 That'll get me through it I'm good 我會挺過去的 deal it if I'm misunderstood 如果我誤解了,那我任接受 Hope my future children see, take it and they achieve 希望我的孩子會看見,接受並替我實現(自己並未認親的遺憾,但在我翻譯的近日gowe在fb說自己已經聯繫上生母) Poppa Followed Christ, poppa was in love 父親信仰基督教,陷入愛河 Poppa had dreams but Poppa will never be 父親有夢想,但父親絕不會對你們隱瞞任何事(暗喻養父母對gowe隱瞞他是被領養的事情) A puppet used to poison the passionate plus irrelevant 一個用來毒害熱情的人的木偶 Portraits on a beat, taking a part of me 站在拍子上的肖像,使我不再完整 I rather take a seat in a room full of my heroes 我多想坐在充滿著我的英雄的房間裡 Their hair turning grey, wearing their cowl and cape 他們的頭髮變得灰白,穿著斗篷 I just listen, taking mental notes within my vision 我只聆聽著,在幻想中寫著心中流過的想法 The longer conversation im pondering my condition 在長時間的談話中我思考自己的現境 As a writer, the lights start to flicker on its brighter 作為一個作詞人,光線開始開始閃爍 As passion starts to leave I make a promise to write her 激情退去,我決定給她寫封信(這裡的她指gowe的生母,gowe在之後開始尋找了生母的下落) Its just a cold night, im chilling in my city 寒夜刺骨,孤身一人 I got the whole night, nobodies gonna get me 長夜漫漫,身無旁人 I hear the key notes dancing and I know it 琴鍵響起悅耳的旋律 Welcome to the mind of a jazz city poetIts just a cold night, im chilling in my city 歡迎來到都市爵士詩人的世界,寒夜刺骨,孤身一人 I got the whole night, nobodies gonna get me 長夜漫漫,身無旁人 I hear the key notes dancing and I know it 琴鍵響起悅耳的旋律 Welcome to the mind of a jazz city poet 歡迎來到都市爵士詩人的世界