- Taylor Swift Out Of The Woods 歌詞
- Taylor Swift
- Looking at it now
回首往事啊 It all seems so simple 一切都那麼淳樸簡單 We were lying on your couch 我們曾躺在沙發上(哈里·斯泰爾斯是平靜的,這也導致了他們的分手參見泰勒2010年歌曲 I remember 《Mine》) You took a Polaroid of us 我依然記得 Then discovered 你給我們拍下的合照記錄我們美好的瞬間 The rest of the world was black and white 然後我發現 But we were in screaming color 現在我們餘下的世界黯然失色 And I remember thinking… 但我們都曾經五彩斑斕啊 Are we out of the woods yet? 我一直在思索(參見wildest dreams Say you'll remember me) Are we out of the woods yet? 我們擺脫迷茫了嗎(重複代表斯威夫特的焦慮在一個不穩定的關係虛假的希望參見她的格萊美致辭) Are we out of the woods yet? 我們披荊斬棘了嗎 Are we out of the woods? 我們能破鏡重圓嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們能擺脫迷茫嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們能重修於好嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 天朗氣清了嗎 In the clear yet, good. 我們豁然開朗了嗎 Are we out of the woods yet? 一切趨于晴朗,很好 Are we out of the woods yet? 我們克服險阻了嗎 Are we out of the woods yet? 我們脫離困境了嗎 Are we out of the woods? 我們排除萬難了嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們走出沼澤了嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們見彩虹了嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們歲月靜好了嗎 In the clear yet, good. 我們趨於明朗了嗎 Are we out of the woods? 我們守得云開見月明了,很好 Looking at it now 我們走出叢林了嗎 Last December, 回頭看看 we were built to fall apart 去年十二月(斯威夫特和哈里·斯泰爾斯的戀情在2012年底達到頂峰,但兩在2013年1月分手。他們一起度過了2013年的新年夜) Then fall back together 我們決定分手(“注定要分手”,暗示他們的關係因為受媒體傷害從一開始就注定要失敗) Your necklace hanging from my neck 卻又重歸於好 The night we couldn't quite forget 你的項鍊還在我的脖子上(送給泰勒的紙飛機項鍊) When we decided 那個難忘的夜晚 To move the furniture so we could dance 我們決定 Baby, like we stood a chance 移開家具翩翩起舞(泰勒跳舞為常見意向見last kiss, shake it off, new romantics) Two paper airplanes flying, flying… 彷彿一切欣欣向榮 And I remember thinking 紙飛機成雙對飛呀,飛 Are we out of the woods yet? 我忍不住去想 Are we out of the woods yet? 我們還可以在一起嗎 Are we out of the woods yet? 我們攜手度過難關了嗎 Are we out of the woods? 我們走過迷茫了嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們克服瓶頸了嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們成功了嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們度過劫難了嗎 In the clear yet, good. 我們一切都敞亮了嗎 Are we out of the woods yet? 一切都敞亮了,很好 Are we out of the woods yet? 我們不斷前行了嗎 Are we out of the woods yet? 我們互相激勵嗎 Are we out of the woods? 我們共同成長了嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們不受阻礙了嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 惠風和暢了嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 如沐春風了嗎 In the clear yet, good. 通透了嗎 Are we out of the woods? 通透了,很好 Remember when you hit the brakes too soon 我們還在叢林裡嗎 Twenty stitches in a hospital room 記得你急踩剎車 When you started crying 病房裡縫了20針(2014年9月滾石採訪泰勒說兩人2012年12月22日雪地摩托出車禍受傷住院) Baby, I did too 你開始哭泣 But when the sun came up 寶貝,我也一樣啊 I was looking at you 當太陽徐徐升起 Remember when we couldn't take the heat 我注視你 I walked out, I said “I'm setting you free” 感覺我們再也承受不住炙熱(他擺脫了炎熱,擺脫了在一起的焦慮) But the monsters turned out to be just trees 我離開房間,我說給你空間 When the sun came up 我們恐懼的可能只是我們自身,妖魔鬼怪也只是樹的幻影(迪士尼白雪公主意象) You were looking at me. 旭日東昇 You were looking at me… Oh 你望著我 You were looking at me. 你凝視著我,哦 I remember. 你注視著我 Oh, I remember.. 曾記否 Are we out of the woods yet? 哦,我記得 Are we out of the woods yet? 我們比翼雙飛了嗎 Are we out of the woods yet? 我們攻堅克難了嗎 Are we out of the woods? 我們百折不回了嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們砥礪前行了嗎 Are we in the clear yet ? 我們前途光明嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們能大難面前做同林鳥嗎 In the clear yet, good. 我們未來光明嗎 Are we out of the woods yet? 一切光明,很好 Are we out of the woods yet? 我們迎難而上了嗎 Are we out of the woods yet? 我們經受考驗了嗎 Are we out of the woods? 我們勇往直前了嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們一直奮進了嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們現在關係很清晰了嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們現在明確了嗎 In the clear yet, good. 我們前景美好嗎 Are we out of the woods yet? 一切美好,很好 Are we out of the woods yet? 我們經受了考驗嗎 Are we out of the woods yet? 我們共度疫情了嗎(狗頭) Are we out of the woods? 我們攜手奮進了嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們走出迷宮了嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 未來會是美好的嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們會看見彩虹嗎 In the clear yet, good. 一切都是美妙的嗎 Are we out of the woods yet? 一切都是美妙的,很好 Are we out of the woods yet? 我們能不受阻礙嗎 Are we out of the woods yet? 我們能勇往直前嗎 Are we out of the woods? 我們能乘風破浪了嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們能做最好的自己嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 一切明朗了嗎 Are we in the clear yet? 我們毫無保留了嗎 In the clear yet, good. 我們一訴衷腸相互原諒了嗎