- The Clash Ivan Meets G.I. Joe 歌詞
- The Clash
- So youre on the floor, at 54
你站在舞池裡紐約最棒的54號夜店 Think you can last at Le Palace 覺得體力能撐到最後像在巴黎的宮殿迪斯科一樣 Does your body go to the to and fro? 你的身體早已晃得不行了吧? Tonights the night, oh didnt you know 就在今晚啊噢難道你沒聽說? That Ivan meets G.I. Joe 伊万將和大喬鬥舞 Ivan meets G.I. Joe 伊万對上了大喬 Ivan meets G.I. Joe 伊万對上了大喬 Ivan meets G.I. Joe 伊万對上了美國大喬 He tried his tricks, that Ruskie bear 他耍出他的把戲像野蠻的俄國熊 The United Nations said its all fair 聯合國在袖手旁觀 He did the radiation, he did the chemical plague 他搞輻射攻擊他投下大片瘟疫 He could not win with a cossack spin 光靠些哥薩克騎兵他也贏不了 The Vostok Bomb, the Stalin strike 沃斯托克炸彈斯大林式打擊 He tried every move, he tried to hitch hike 他盡力跳出所有舞步他想佔點便宜 He drilled a hole like a Russian star 他鑽了個洞像個俄國巨星 He made every move in his repertoire 他使盡了渾身解數 When Ivan meet G.I. Joe 伊万對上了大喬 Ivan meet G.I. Joe 伊万對上了大喬 Ivan meet G.I. Joe 伊万對上了大喬 Ivan meet G.I. Joe 伊万對上了美國大喬 Ivan meet G.I. Joe 伊万對上了大喬 Ivan meet G.I. Joe 伊万對上了大喬 Ivan meet G.I. Joe 伊万對上了大喬 Ivan meet G.I. Joe 伊万對上美國了大喬 It was G.I. Joes turn to blow 舞到癲狂大喬簡直要炸開了 He turned it on cool and slow 他卻沉下了氣放慢了步伐 He tried a pay phone call to the Pentagon 他打了個電話給五角大樓問問究竟 A radar scan a leviathan 雷達掃到了巨獸利維坦 He wiped the Earth clean as a plate 他蕩平了整個地球世界空無一物 What does it take to make a Ruskie break? 現在怎樣才能讓一頭俄國熊敗下陣來呢? But the crowd are bored and off they go 但看眾們都已覺得膩味遠遠地散開 Over the road to watch China blow 他們正打算去瞧瞧中國的招數 Ivanmeet G.I. Joe 伊万對上了大喬 Ivan meet G.I. Joe 伊万對上了大喬 Ivan meet G.I. Joe 伊万對上了大喬 Ivan meet G.I. Joe 伊万對上了美國大喬