- DMX Slippin' 歌詞
Ha~~~~ Ha ha ha ha ha ha uhh 生活要受萬劫厲煉,但活著 See to live is to suffer but to survive 就得尋出磨難之中所有的真諦 well that's to find meaning in the suffering. 頹廢,墮落,我一蹶不振 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I can't get up 消沉,萎靡,我心如死灰 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I can't get up 自暴自棄,堅持不下去,但我必須振作 Ay yo I' m slippin' I'm fallin' I gots to get up 變回以前的樣子,搞定那些破事 Get me back on my feet so I can tear shit ! 頹廢,墮落,我一蹶不振 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I can't get up 消沉,萎靡,我心如死灰 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I can' t get up 自暴自棄,堅持不下去,但我必須振作 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I gots to get up 變回以前的樣子,搞定那些破事 Get me back on my feet so I can tear shit ! 我的人生就像共濟會一樣經歷過許多瘋狂的階段
去探尋真我,此刻我知道好日子不再遙不可及 I been through mad different phases like Masons 如果我夠長命就能活到看著我的孩子出世 to find my way & now I know that happy days are not far away 陪他們一起做些真正有意義的事情,而不是只知道發號施令 If I'm strong enough I'll live long enough to see my kids 我對比深信不疑只因我體會過不受關愛的滋味 doing something more constructive with they time than bids 現在我要將過去的事都一一梳理開來,看看是什麼導致我走到這一步 I know because I been there 我和媽媽戲劇般的狗屁關係首當其衝 now I'm in there sit back & look at what it took for me to get there 整天無所事事只知道醉生夢死,根本不管我的死活 First came the 'Howll!!' the drama with my mama 還說我就是希望的種子 she got on some fly shit 'What!' til I split 輕而易舉就能獲得成功 and said that I'ma be that seed 利欲熏心,好似冷血動物 that doesn't need much to succeed 至此我對這操蛋的世界失去了信心,感覺自己就像一個乞丐 strapped with mad greed and a heart that doesn't bleed 連睡覺的時候,我都在想這個世界裡我有多渺小 I'm ready for the world or atleast I thought I was 時間匆匆流逝,我還來不及領悟其中真諦 baggin' 'Uhh!' when I caught a buzz for thinking about how short I was 家人和朋友就已經要接受我進監獄的事實 Going too fast it wouldn't last but yo I couldn't tell 在這樣四處無援的情況下 group homes & institutions, prepare my ass for jail 我不得不長大 They put me in a situation forcin' me to be a man 艹,有些事真的不是我的錯 when I was just learnin' to stand without a helpin' hand 難道我父親在我7歲的時候就離開 Damn, was it my fault, somethin' I did 在14歲時又心懷鬼胎回到我身邊是為了我好? to make a father leave his first kid at 7 doin' my first bid? 原來和我夢見的一樣,只是想榨乾我擁有的一切 Back on the scene at 14 with a scheme 因此我要拼盡全力讓生活變好 to get more cream than I'd ever seen in a dream 除了和我出生入死的兄弟,我誰都不理 and by all means I will be living high off the hog 那是我最後一次抱怨 and I never gave a 'What!!' about much but my dog 我的生活從小就迷失了 That's my only 'Howll!' I had offered my last 頹廢,墮落,我一蹶不振 Just another little 'Come on!!' headed nowhere fast 消沉,萎靡,我心如死灰 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I can't get up 自暴自棄,堅持不下去,但我必須振作 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I can't get up 變回以前的樣子,搞定那些破事 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I gots to get up 頹廢,墮落,我一蹶不振 Get me back on my feet so I can tear shit ! 消沉,萎靡,我心如死灰 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I can't get up 自暴自棄,堅持不下去,但我必須振作 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I can't get up 變回以前的樣子,搞定那些破事 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I gots to get up 歲數越來越大,情況也越來越糟 Get me back on my feet so I can tear shit ! 行為更加放縱,心變得更加冰冷
肩頭的傷不敢讓人摸到 That ain't the half 'Arf!' get's worse as I get older 不需要什麼親情,我害怕這些 actions become bolder heart got colder 自己一個人找樂子 chip on my shoulder that I dared a 'Uhh!' to touch 撩妹子,打群架,混成了街頭痞子 didn't need a click cause I scared a 'Uh huh' that much 一根接一根的抽著,讓我嗨一整天 One deep went to for kicks 每天早上飛葉子之前 catchin' vicks throwin' bricks gettin by bein' slick 都要來兩瓶烈酒解憂愁 used to get high to get by used to have to 'Howl!! ' 這是我自己的選擇,沒什麼可抱怨的 in the morning before I get fly 就這樣混了3年,生活的壓力如期而至 I ate something a couple of forties made me hate somethin' 根本不在意什麼髮型和衣著打扮 I did some 'Arf' now I'm ready to take some 我被隱沒在一片黑暗中,過著苟延殘喘的日子 3 years later showing signs of stress 這一切對我而言,就像是懸在頭上的利刃 didn't keep my hair cut or give a 'Come on!' how I dressed 想要好好出張專輯卻萎靡成性 I'm possessed by the darker side livin' the cruddy life 我不行了,撐不住了,我沒有希望了 'What !' like this kept a nigga with a bloody knife 頹廢,墮落,我一蹶不振 wanna make records but I'm 'howl!' up 消沉,萎靡,我心如死灰 I 'm slippin' I'm fallin' I can't get up 自暴自棄,堅持不下去,但我必須振作 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I can't get up 變回以前的自己,搞定那些破事 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I can't get up 頹廢,墮落,我一蹶不振 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I gots to get up 消沉,萎靡,我心如死灰 Get me back on my feet so I can tear shit ! 自暴自棄,堅持不下去,我必須振作 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I can't get up 變回以前的樣子,搞定那些破事 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I can't get up 不久後我便跌入人生的谷底 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I gots to get up 看看是什麼把我整成這個樣子 Get me back on my feet so I can tear shit ! 不再當毒蟲,打開窗戶,看著電視節目上的那些明星
對自己說你也可以做到 Wasn't long before Ihit rock bottom 要相信想有所收穫就得有所付出 'howl!' was like damn look how that 'how that' got him 必須洗心革面,因為我為人父母了 Open like a window no more Indo look at a video 我得做點當爹的該做的事 sayin' to myself that could've been yo on the TV 從此不能再喝得爛醉如泥 believe me it could be done somethin's got to give 於是我又回到了衣著得體的狀態 it's got to change cause I've got a son 那些裝孫子的又出現在我身邊 I've got to do the right thing for shorty 我想,除了愛,沒有什麼能讓我清醒過來 and that means no more getting high drinking forties 對那些還堅持真我的哥們致敬 So I get back lookin' type slick again 一次次的跌倒讓人變得堅強 Fake 'What!' jump back on my 'Uhh uh huh!' again 將這首歌獻給你們 Nothin' but love for those that know how it feel 還有對我不離不棄的兄弟 Then much respect to all my 'Come on!! ' that kept it real 有志者事竟成,你們都會成功 Be strong kept a from doin' wrong 頹廢,墮落,我一蹶不振 'Uhh' who they is and this is yo 'What uhh!' song 消沉,萎靡,我心如死灰 and to my boo who stuck with a 'Arf!' through 自暴自棄,堅持不下去,我必須振作 all the bullshit you'll get yours because it's due 變回以前的樣子,搞定那些破事 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I can't get up 頹廢,墮落,我一蹶不振 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I can't get up 消沉,萎靡,我心如死灰 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I gots to get up 自暴自棄,堅持不下去,我必須振作 Get me back on my feet so I can tear shit ! 變回以前的樣子,搞定那些破事 Ay yo I 'm slippin' I'm fallin' I can't get up 振作起來,繼續前行 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I can't get up 這都是真心話,別搞混了 Ay yo I'm slippin' I'm fallin' I gots to get up Get me back on my feet so I can tear shit !
can 't get up...I gots to get up This is from the heartbaby, Don同get IT twisted<比如>