- Vashti Bunyan Swallow Song 歌詞
- Vashti Bunyan
- And theres a sunset brimming over the sky
夕陽的火光溢滿整個天空 And theres a swallow teaching its young how to fly 燕子正在教自己的孩子怎樣去飛翔 Up on high 直衝雲霄 See how fast the summer passes by 眼看著夏日像風一樣急速掠過 And theres an oak leaf turning green into brown 直到第一片橡樹葉由綠色變為了棕黃 And theres a pine so proud of her evergreen gown 松樹因自己四季常綠而感到無比驕傲 Looking down 低頭看看 See how fast the winter comes around 冬日來的如此之快 And theres a rain cloud passing over our heads 我們的頭頂上緩緩飄過了鉛灰色的烏雲 And theres a cat on the doorstep waiting to be fed 家養的貓懶懶地趴在門階前等待著開飯 Milk and bread 純牛奶和小麵包 Day is done and now its time for bed 一天就這樣過去了,該睡覺了