- K.Flay Zen 歌詞
- K.Flay
- Give me groceries and booze, give me FaceTime with my friends
端給我雜貨與酒水,在FaceTime上與朋友雲暢飲(一款視頻通話軟件) Give me intravenous news, little drips of CNN 告訴我疫苗研發的消息,和零散的CNN新聞片段(指新冠疫情新聞) Give me meditation apps, text me pictures of your dog 介紹我一款用於冥想的APP,給我分享你家狗子的照片 Give me life, give me peace, give me noise 還我生活,還我安寧,還我嘈雜的煙火氣息 Someone gimme ****ing Zen 我只想被賦予禪修般的平靜 Someone gimme ****ing Zen 我只想要尋求禪修般的平靜 Give me space 給我一點空間 At least six feet 至少要在六尺黃土以下 Dig my grave just as deep 把我的墓穴挖至同樣的深度(西方逝者通常埋葬在六英尺左右的深度) I got sex on my mind all the time, **** 腦海裡總是想像著魚水的歡愉 Scrolling through the internet time suck 鼠標滾動,瀏覽網頁,日子過得糟糕透頂 Ive been feeling flat like a pancake 恣肆地葛優癱,感覺自己變成了一張煎餅 I could use a hug or a handshake 我可以與你相擁,也可以選擇握手 I could use some drugs or a bandaid 我可以吃些藥,也可以貼上創可貼 Cooped up in a hole I wanna lose all my control 深陷困境,而我失去把控無能為力 I wanna just go on a rampage 我只想橫突直闖,妄求著衝破現狀 Give me wisdom, give me teeth 給我一點理智,投我以利齒 Give me vision, let me see 給我足夠的視野,讓我窺視外界 Give me courage to confess 賦予我供認的勇氣 Every night I text my ex 每夜我都在給前任通短信呢 Give me girls 給我女孩 Give me boys 給我男孩 Give me life 還我生活 Give me peace 還我安寧 Give me noise 還我嘈雜的煙火氣息 Someone gimme ****ing zen 我只想被賦予禪修般的平靜 Someone gimme ****ing zen 我只想要尋求禪修般的平靜 Gimme ****ing zen 獲得禪修般的平靜 I need something to avoid all of my fears and paranoia 我需要一些物品,來避免我的恐懼和偏執 Give me, give me 給我,給我 Someone gimme ****ing zen 投我以禪修般的平靜 Gimme an appetite 賦予我一個好的胃口 Gimme hope for the afterlife 賦予我對來世的期許 Or a reason to look past tonight 抑或重溫今夜的理由 Gimme happiness when I found the fame 當我成名後,賦予我歡愉 Gimme music that doesnt all sound the same 為我播放與眾不同的音樂 Gimme something that I can look forward to 給我一些值得期許的事物 Gimme humans that I can get closer to 介紹我一個能近距離接觸的人 You look down at me but the next thing you know its you 你低頭看著我,但下一秒便意識到 With the rent overdue 自己的房租到期了 Gimme a little bit of piece of your peace of mind 賦予我片刻精神的寧靜 Gimme a piece of yours, youll get a piece of mine 賦予我你的一部分,這樣我們便能心意相通 Gimme something to do when there nothing to do 安排給我能做的事,當生活空虛而索然無味 But when I get it, shit, Ill probably just **** it up too 但當我獲得了這一切,我很可能會再度搞砸 Gimme two steps to the left 同我兩步向左行 Gimme one step to the right 再一步向右(可能引自Drake爆火的Toosie Slide舞蹈) Give me one dance with the volume at ten 與我共舞,將音量調至滿格 And someone anyone gimme ****ing zen 會有人賦予我禪修般的平靜 Someone gimme *** *ing zen 我只想被賦予禪修般的平靜 Gimme ****ing zen 我只想要尋求禪修般的平靜 I need something to avoid all of my fears and paranoia 我需要一些物品,來避免我的恐懼和偏執 Give me, give me 給我,給我 Someone gimme ****ing zen 賦予我禪修般的平靜 Give me hope for something better 賦予我對美好事物的期許 Give me justice for my cries 賦予對我眼淚的公正裁決 Tell me were all in this together 告訴我所有人都處於同樣的境地 And if were not then tell me lies 如果事實並非如此就以謊言回复 Give me love, give me WiFi 賦予我愛意,給我無線網絡 Give me drugs, get me sky high 給我一劑良藥,讓我得以飄忽雲上 Gimme headspace, set my head straight 給我思考的餘地,將思緒細細數來 Cut the dead weight, burn the red tape 減輕肩頭重負,燒掉紅色錄音帶 Give me the good old days from seven days ago 歸還我一如七天前的尋常生活小確幸 Let me go outside again 讓我再次離開這裡 Give me life 還我生活 Give me peace 還我安寧 Give me noise 還我嘈雜的煙火氣息 Someone gimme ****ing zen 我只想被賦予禪修般的平靜 Someone gimme ****ing zen 我只想要尋求禪修般的平靜 Gimme ****ing zen 賦予我禪修般的平靜 I need something to avoid all of my fears and paranoia 我需要一些物品,來避免我的恐懼和偏執 Give me, give me 給我,給我 Someone gimme ****ing zen 賦予我禪修般的平靜