- Kishi Bashi say yeah 歌詞
- Kishi Bashi
- If I really wanted to
如果我炙熱渴望 I'll be waiting for you 我會為你翹首以盼 Yes, I really want you too 嗯~我很想和你翻雲覆雨 Say yeah 是的 If I was in love with you 我曾墜入你的情網 We'll laugh away we two 對過去一笑了之 It's so hard to know it's true 很難接受我們已經分道揚鑣的現實 Say yeah 沒錯
如果我們還在一起 If I will be with you 美好時光足夠支撐我走到柳暗花明 That's enough to get me through 我會補償你的陪伴 I will make it up to you 是的 Say yeah 在一切戛然而止的那天 On the very day we're through 不得不說這是真的 We would have to say it's true 我真的很需要你 That I really want you too 沒錯 Say yeah 我願意用所有換一次重蹈覆轍的機會
我們攜手共創未來寶貝 All I want is one last chance as your lover 給彼此一個可能 Baby, we'll make it together 如果我情深義重 One last chance for each other 我會為你虛位以待
我真的很想和你在一起 If I really love you 嗯哼~ I'll be waiting for you 我願意用所有換一次重蹈覆轍的機會 Cause I really want you too 我們攜手共創未來寶貝 Say yeah 給彼此一個可能
再次深陷你 All I want is one last chance as your lover 我願意用所有換一次重蹈覆轍的機會 Baby, we'll make it together 我們攜手共創未來寶貝 One last chance for each other 給彼此一個可能 Baby, again 在傾盆大雨中 All I want is one last chance as your lover 我願意用所有換一次重蹈覆轍的機會:D Baby, we 'll make it together One last chance for each other In the rain All I want is one last chance as your lover...