- Moses Sumney jilljack 歌詞
- Moses Sumney
- He had that masculine thing down
他身上的陽剛之美正一點點褪盡 Shoulders and back straight 挺直的腰板健壯的肩膀 Never slumping, never round 從不感到疲累倒下保持完美肌肉身材
他身上的陽剛之美正一點點褪盡 He had that masculine thing down 挺直的腰板健壯的肩膀 Shoulders and back straight 從不感到疲累倒下保持完美肌肉身材 Never slumping, never round 她的炫酷風范正一點點褪盡
挺直的腰板健壯的肩膀 ( She had that) masculine thing down 從不感到疲累倒下保持完美馬甲線 Shoulders and back straight 女性的柔美男性的陽剛在他們身上消失不見 Never slumping, never round 那些所謂的要求挺直的腰板健壯的肩膀
從不感到疲累倒下保持完美身材 She he had had that that masculine feminine thing thing down Shoulders and back straight Never slumping, never round