- Kevin Abstract Papercut 歌詞
- Kevin Abstract
- And just no break...
是我破碎的心讓我來到你身旁 A broken heart led me to you 她說:“我知道你在想什麼” She said 'Im seeing through you' 在這之前我認識你之前 And this before I knew you, way before I knew you 在那灰暗籠罩著我的過去 Back when darkness was, all I had to hold 緊鎖在該死的房間吞雲吐霧地吸煙 I smoke a bag of *******, all on my * ****** own 他們播起我最愛的Rapper And all them baddies all my favorite rappers rapped about 這破屋子裡顯得他們的歌詞都無聊透頂 Never made sense when them words played in my ******* house 現在我駛入高速頭腦還未清醒 Now Im on the highway nearly passing out 我的雙腳懸上房梁手牽著你的手 With my feet hanging out the sun roof, my hands holding your hands 駛過一抹斜陽我知道我會娶你 Driving past the sunset, I know I wanna marry you 但我卻無時無刻地心慌 Its kinda unbearable and thats pretty overwhelming 這種感覺從未體驗過 The feeling is brand new, the feeling is brand new 遙想回17歲我還在寫著第一張專輯 But I still feel 17, its like I just made MTV 一切都好像上週與你第一次見面 Its like I just facetimed you for the first time last week 這種感覺從未褪去 And that feeling will never leave 不同於別的大起大浪而這是我新的巔峰 Different than all the highs my life hit a new high 最讓我難釋懷的是我未能告訴家人我是雙性戀 The harshest of all times cant tell my family Im bi 以及未能告訴母親我我是TXL Cant tell my mother Im gay 最讓我覺得難熬的是我想像自己是直男 The hardest part of my day is wi*******ng I was ******* straight 那日子是有多Tm好過啊 Life could be so ******* easy man 我試圖接受事實但我無力改變
我試圖接受事實但我無力改變 I take everything for what it is and I never try to change it 我試圖接受事實但我無力改變 I take everything for what it is and never try to change 無傷我的內心罷了 I take everything for what it is and never try to change it (damn) 無傷我的內心罷了 And just no breaking my heart 來吧來摧毀
來吧來摧毀 And just no breaking my heart 來吧來摧毀 Ooh, keep breaking 來吧來摧毀我的心扉 Ooh, keep breaking 一個壞小伙 Ooh, keep breaking 一個壞小伙 Ooh, break my heart 一個壞小子
去當一個壞小伙吧 A bad man 一個壞小伙 A bad man 去當一個壞小子吧 A bad boy 一個壞小子 Been a bad man 去當一個壞小伙吧 A bad man 一個壞小伙 Been a bad boy 一個壞小子 A bad boy 一個壞小子 Been a bad man 我試圖接受事實但我無力改變 A bad man 我試圖接受事實但我無力改變 A bad boy 我試圖接受事實但我無力改變 A bad boy I take everything for what it is and I never try to change it I take everything for what it is and never try to change it I take everything for what it is and I never try to change