- Mystery Jets Someone Purer 歌詞
- Mystery Jets
- I was gripped with a bit of fear
. Worried the one thing that I loved 我被一點恐懼捕獲 Back when I was just a kid 我擔心我心愛的一件事 Might now never be enough 回到我還是孩子的時候 That the body I was in 恐怕現在我還不滿足 Might belong to someone else 那具我曾擁有的軀體 Someone kinder 可能是屬於其他人的 Someone surer 那個人可能比我善良 Someone innocent 比我更胸有成竹 Young and beautiful 更加清白 Someone purer 年輕又漂亮 That's no way to go 更純潔
已經無路可走了 I was scratching at my skin 我抓著我的皮膚 Hopin changes would begin 希望有所改變 But what laid beneath was blood 但是皮膚之下還是血液 Well of course 當然 What the hell was I thinking of 我在想什麼啊 Won't you take me down to the creek 難道你會帶我帶小溪邊 Wash away our sins of sleep 洗去以睡覺打發日子的罪惡嗎 I feel so tired 我感到好累 As though I might 彷彿我可能 Not wake at all on the other side 無法喚醒所有的另一邊 That's no way to go 我無處可逃了 That's no way to go 無路可走了 That's no way to go 路在何方
噢我親愛的 Oh my dear one 把我沐浴在你的聖光之下吧 Bathe me in your glow 掏出我那顆孤獨的心 Cut out my lonely heart 將它埋葬皚皚白雪之下 And bury it in the snow 虛無就是虛無 Nothing really means nothing 這是最讓我難過的事 Is the saddest thing I know 救我脫離罪惡 So deliver me from sin 讓我搖滾 And give me rock and roll 到了早上就會有希望
到了早晨就會有光芒 And in the morning there'll be hope 如果我夢到了一具軀體 And in the morning there'll be light 一個解決方案 And if I sleep and dream up a system 抵禦黑暗的危險
來吧我將重生 A solution 我會重新做人 To fend off perils of the night 變成一個善良的人 Come on in I'll be born again 變成一個胸有成竹的人 Born againas someone else 變成一個美麗的人 Someone kinder 變成一個純潔的人 Someone surer 到時你就知道我是怎麼樣的了 Someone beautiful 到時你就知道我是怎麼樣的了 Someone purer 到時你就知道我是怎麼樣的了 And when I am you'll know 到時你就知道我是誰了 And when I am you'll know 哦我親愛的 And when I am you'll know 惡魔知道我的名字 And when I am you'll know 我的救贖會來嗎 Oh my dear one 會洗去我身上的罪惡嗎 The devil knows my name 因為我曾是個孩子 Will salvation come 有著純潔無辜的靈魂 And wash away my pain 救我脫離罪惡 For I was once a kid 賜予我搖滾吧 With a pure and innocent soul 讓我搖滾吧 So deliver me from sin 讓我搖滾下去吧 And give me rock and roll 一個純潔無辜的靈魂
一個純潔無辜的靈魂 Give me rock and roll 讓我搖滾吧 Give me rock and roll 讓我搖滾下去吧 A pure and innocent soul 一個純潔無辜的靈魂 And a pure and innocent soul 一個純潔無辜的靈魂 Give me rock and roll 一個純潔無辜的靈魂 Give me rock and roll And a pure and innocent soul And a pure and innocent soul And a pure and innocent soul