- CL
Excuse me do you have that sauce that is spicy 冒昧問下請問你是否有那種 Made in Korea 韓國特製的辣醬 Energy Power Chemistry 能源動力化工 Energy Power Chemistry 能源動力化工 나는널잘몰라바로누슈 我根本不認識你你是個什麼東西? Excuse me excuse you 不好意思你到底想怎樣 Top notch 성적은우수 超塵拔俗成績優異 Queen of this 쉿 行業頂流噓 한수넘어두수 一招勝過一招 투수던져내꿈 如投手精準投擲將我夢想把控在手 Seoul city home run 首爾都市我全壘打 날카로운make up 裝扮鋒芒畢露 무드는온전 情緒穩定無恙 태도는차갑게마음은핫온천 態度冰冷內心如溫泉般滾燙 CL this the alpha 본전 CL 我開拓傳奇人生 논적없이달려왔지근데이제시작 不存在任何可爭論的對手一路奔跑而來但現在才正是開始 끝이라고생각했다면빙산의일각 要是覺得“這就是終點” 那不過只是冰山一角 Still 확실한taste 잃지않는미각 依舊確切無疑的滋味從未喪失的味覺 날평가하기전에미리바꿔놔니시간 在評價我之前還是先倒轉下你的時間吧 시간it's about the time we getting cherry 時間是時候 Made in Korea 전세계로hard carry 韓國特製向著全世界來勢洶洶 당도very motto 糖度恰適我座右銘 재미내게중요한건energy power chemistry 對我來說至關重要的是能源動力化工 She got the sauce 她超有料 And it's spicy 實為振奮 You looking at the most fly Asians 你目睹著最時髦靚麗的亞洲人 You got the sauce 不禁讚歎 And it's spicy 實為振奮 You rocking with the most fly Asians 你正同最時髦靚麗的亞洲人熱搖 She got the sauce 她超有料 And it's spicy 實為振奮 You looking at the most fly Asians 你目睹著最時髦靚麗的亞洲人 You got the sauce 不禁讚歎 And it's spicy 實為振奮 You rocking with the most fly Asians 你正同最時髦靚麗的亞洲人熱搖 Where we from 我們都來自何方 Them Korean's 那些韓國伙計們 Getting up higher 蒸蒸日上 Making everything spice 令一切都徒增趣味 Now put the fliers 現在起大肆宣傳吧 We can never be stopped 我們仍不停前行 You getting tired 你卻逐漸出局 우린올라가지만you gone retire 雖然我們一路飛升但你早就退休了 매운맛으로골라 往辣味盡情挑選 Chicken soup rice noodle 鮮香雞湯米線 Style Korean 獨具韓國風味 어디서왔는지물어 問我從何處而來 Spice too hot 香料熱辣無比 We from South Korea 我們來自韓國 She got the sauce 她超有料 And it's spicy 實為振奮 You looking at the most fly Asians 你目睹著最時髦靚麗的亞洲人 You got the sauce 不禁讚歎 And it's spicy 實為振奮 You rocking with the most fly Asians 你正同最時髦靚麗的亞洲人熱搖 She got the sauce 她超有料 And it's spicy 實為振奮 You looking at the most fly Asians 你目睹著最時髦靚麗的亞洲人 You got the sauce 不禁讚歎 And it's spicy 實為振奮 You rocking with the most fly Asians 你正同最時髦靚麗的亞洲人熱搖 상식밖인소리들과가식 違背常理的聒噪之聲和虛情假意 박힌고정관들뚫어건내반칙 衝破刻板成見是我犯規 감히내걱정을하다니 現在竟敢擔心我呢 이젠웃기지도않지 不覺得很可笑嗎? 간식조차없는판치는니들잔치 你們這連點心都沒有還想獨占鰲頭的“宴會” Spice on em 給他們點顏色瞧瞧 Energy Power Chemistry 能源動力化工 Energy Power Chemistry 能源動力化工 Energy Power Chemistry 能源動力化工 Energy Power Chemistry 能源動力化工 She got the sauce 她超有料 And it's spicy 實為振奮 You looking at the most fly Asians 你目睹著最時髦靚麗的亞洲人 You got the sauce 不禁讚歎 And it's spicy 實為振奮 You rocking with the most fly Asians 你正同最時髦靚麗的亞洲人熱搖 She got the sauce 她超有料 And it's spicy 實為振奮 You looking at the most fly Asians 你目睹著最時髦靚麗的亞洲人 You got the sauce 不禁讚歎 And it's spicy 實為振奮 You rocking with the most fly Asians 你正同最時髦靚麗的亞洲人熱搖