- James Blunt Miss America 歌詞
- James Blunt
- Miss America
是否你曾藉助外力 Did someone give you something to 來減輕內心的痛苦 help you ease the pain 就像瓶中傾瀉出的酒 Like the liquor in the bottle 目送著你悄然離去 we watched you slip away 我想我能明白你 And I feel like as if I know you 聽著酒吧里的一首歌 through the buzz of a song 萬人簇擁卻比煙花寂寞 Always surrounded but alone 不想說再見 But no goodbyes 你永遠是我心目中的美國小姐 you'll always be Miss America 看著你高飛但凡事都要付出代價的 We watched you fly but nothing's free, 美國小姐 Miss America 即使你的心支離破碎人們也稱之為藝術 And as you fall apart we just call it odd 這不令人窒息嗎 Was it so hard to breathe 報紙上的相片 Was that picture in the paper 是否不再是你熟悉的容顏 not the face you recognize 濃濃的妝顏 Did the make-up never make up 難掩你眼底的酸楚 for the pain behind your eyes 我想我能明白你 cuz I feel as if I know you 看著屏幕上的你 when you're on my silver screen 但我不知道你 But I don't know the dark places 曾處在怎樣黑暗的境地 that you've been 不想說再見你永遠是我心目中的美國小姐 But no goodbyes you'll always be Miss America 看著你高飛但凡事都要付出代價的 We watched you fly but nothing's free, 美國小姐 Miss America 即使你的心支離破碎人們也稱之為藝術 And as you fall apart we just call it odd 這不令人窒息嗎 Was it so hard to breathe 今晚天堂的唱詩班是否另有其人 Does another voice sing in heaven's choir tonight 來填補你留下的空寂 To fill the silence left behind 不知道你的腦海有什麼樣的念頭 And I don't know what goes on in your mind 但我確信足以讓我流淚 I'm sure it's enough to make me cry 總有一天我們會發現你不曾真的離去 Someday we'll find you'll live forever 不想說再見你永遠是我心目中的美國小姐 No goodbyes you'll always be Miss America 看著你高飛但凡事都要付出代價的 We watchedyou fly but nothing's free, 美國小姐 Miss America 即使你的心支離破碎人們也稱之為藝術 And as you fall apart we just call it odd 這不令人窒息嗎 Was it so hard to breathe