- The Middle East Months 歌詞
- The Middle East
- Wake me in the morning
晨曦初露之時請呼喚我的名字 Gon' wake me up at night 我將在夜幕籠罩之時甦醒 Ain't got no use for sleeping anymore 我無法回到夢境 Ain't got enough time 歸途近在咫尺 For myself 為了自己 Or time for my friends 和我思念的人 And, and I can't even write 我已無從下筆 Just wake me up, it's fine 那就讓我徹底甦醒吧
讓我掙脫 Let me go away, Hitch 逃離這片土地 Away from where we've grown 一片狼藉,四處徘徊 I've got dirty and d-- wandering 穿過酒吧 Through bars and 和異鄉的山水 Foreign family homes 如鏡花水月,似有若無 And I had never have cared 孑然一身 To be alone 如今我想得到的 Now I just wanna feel 正是你們擁有的 How you would feel 家的氣息 Left at home 嘿,可否載我一程
我要回家了 Hey Hitch, hey Hitch 爸,媽 I'm coming home 我要回來了 Hey Ma, hey Pa 嘿,家鄉的一切 I'm coming home 我歸來了 Hey J, hey Tree, hey Mel and Graeme* 嘿,我的摯友們 I 'm coming come 我回來了 Hey Heath, hey Kris 我曾穿越人山人海 I'm coming home 他們也是如此
我雖失去了所有 Well I seen many places 但我已踏上了家的征程 And they all been seen before I done lost my Jack Luck spirit I'm goin' back to Hitch at home