- Alec Benjamin Outrunning Karma 歌詞
- Alec Benjamin
男孩渴望逃脫因果輪迴 Outrunning karma that boy 他散發著無限魅力 Hes such a charmer all the 無知的眾人前赴後繼頂禮膜拜 Bugs and their larva follow 跟隨著他遠離科羅拉多(被譽為美國“百年州” 以峻嶺跌宕遍地赭紅著稱) Him out to Colorado 袋著數不清的血色心臟 Ten dozen hearts in a bag 他會拖著眾人的屍體 Their bodies lying hell drag 回到到科羅拉多 Them down to Colorado 成為一個今世的亡命之徒 A modern desperado 他不得不夜裡奔襲千里
他四處逃亡因為他知道無處可藏 And hell race for miles through the night 可即使如此他也會被制裁 He runs because he knows he cannot hide 他是個被上帝拋棄的男孩
將永遠為他的謊言付出代價 Hes never gonna make it 因果有報時候未到 All the, poor people hes forsaken 從聖堂尖塔到修羅地獄(撒旦:聖經中的墮落六翼天使世界上首位叛徒象徵著極惡極兇) Karma is always gonna chase him for his lies 直至薨前他都無處可逃 Its just a game of waiting 男孩企圖逃脫因果輪迴 From the, church steeple down to Satan karma 問題是他無法繼續逃下去 Theres really no escape until he dies 隨著斯巴達的末日即將來臨(古希臘第二大城邦以其嚴酷紀律獨裁統治而聞名)
他前去會見阿波羅(古希臘神話中的預言與光明之神宙斯之子) Outrunning karma that boy 他在夜晚整裝待發隨時迎戰 Cant run no further its the 他會全力奮戰因為他知道他已四面楚歌 Last days of sparta follow 可即使如此他也會被懲戒 Him down to meet Apollo 他是個被上帝遺棄的男孩
將永遠因他的謊言悔恨餘生 And hell brace for battle in the night 善惡有報時候未到 Hell fight because he knows he cannot hide 從聖堂尖塔到修羅地獄
天羅地網永世無法逃離 Hes never gonna make it All the, poor people hes forsaken karma Hes always gonna chase him for his lies Its just a game of waiting From the, church steeple down to Satan karma Theres really no escape until he dies
La la la la la La la la la la 可即使如此他也會被擒獲 La la la la la 他是個被上帝拋棄的男孩 La la 將永遠為他的謊言付出代價
因果有報時候未到 La la la la la 從聖堂尖塔到地獄八層 La la la la la 只有死亡才能讓他解脫 La la la la la La la
Hes never gonna make it All the, poor people hes forsaken Karma is always gonna chase him for his lies Its just a game of waiting From the, church steeple down to Satan karma Theres really no escape until he dies
La la la la la La la la la la La la la la la La la