- lasah BYE-BYE, LULLABY 歌詞
- lasah
- music by キャプテンミライ
lyrics by lasah
再見了,我的愛人 bye-bye, my sweet love of mine 願你在最刺骨的夜晚也能安穩沉眠 sleep through the merciless night 不要害怕,我永遠都在你身旁 don't fear, I'll always be near 即使我的溫暖蕩然無存 even when my warmth disappears 再見了,我的愛人 bye-bye, my sweet love of mine 最後一次在我的臂彎中酣夢吧 dream in my arms one last time 抱歉,你不能跟隨著我 sorry, you can't follow me 可別碰到了彼岸花! don't touch the red spider lily. 把我的雙眼取走吧 you can take my eyes 這樣你便能望見澄澈的天空 if you'll see the clearest sky 把我的雙耳取走吧 you can take my ears 這樣你便能聽見藍鳥啁啾 if you'll hear the bluebirds cry 把我的聲音取走吧 you can take my voice 於是你也能唱起這支告別的搖籃曲 if you'll sing this bye-bye lullaby. 再見了,我的愛人 bye-bye, my sweet love of mine 總有一天你會意識到我的謊言 one day you'll realize my lies 彩虹之端沒有寶石 no gems at the rainbow's end 只有無邊無際道路的延伸 only a lifeless path, again. 把我的雙手取走吧 you can take my hands 這樣你便能觸摸到柔軟的麥田 if you'll feel the softest rye 把我的雙腿取走吧 you can take my legs 這樣你便能腳踏大地奔跑千里 if you' ll run a thousand miles 把我的生命取走吧 you can take my life 於是這支告別的搖籃曲將永遠與你同在 if you'll live with this bye- bye lullaby. 如果我能夠將你於這悲慘的塵世中拯救 if I can save you from this miserable world 我願意把我身體所有的四十八塊獻上天堂 I'll give the heavens all forty-eight pieces of me 如果我愚蠢的禱告從未得到回應 and if my foolish prayers will never be heard 我希望我能夠成為吞噬你的惡魔 I wish that I could be the demon that eats you. 把我的雙眼取走吧 you can take my eyes 這樣你便能望見澄澈的天空 if you'll see the clearest sky 把我的雙耳取走吧 you can take my ears 這樣你便能聽見藍鳥啁啾 if you'll hear the bluebirds cry 把我的聲音取走吧 you can take my voice 於是你也能唱起這支告別的搖籃曲 if you'll sing this bye-bye lullaby 把我的雙手取走吧 you can take my hands 這樣你便能觸摸到柔軟的麥田 if you'll feel the softest rye 把我的雙腿取走吧 you can take my legs 這樣你便能腳踏大地奔跑千里 if you'll run a thousand miles 把我的生命取走吧 you can take my life 於是這支告別的搖籃曲將永遠與你同在 if you'll live with this bye-bye lullaby.