- Westlife Obvious 歌詞
- Westlife
- [offset:500]
Yeah, ooooh... 最初我們是無話不談的朋友 We started as friends 但我心裡似乎激起陣陣漣漪 But something happened inside me 現在我終於明白 Now Im reading into everything 你卻沒有絲毫懂我內心變化的跡象 But theres no sign you hear the lightning, baby 你從未留意我試圖引起你的注意 You dont ever notice me turning on my charm 也不曾驚訝我為何總是出現在你的身旁 Or wonder why Im always where you are 我已經表現得很明顯 Ive made it obvious 暗示了一切除了傾訴衷曲 Done everything but sing it 我暗戀你那麼久但你卻一直不知不覺 (Ive crushed on you so long, but on and on you get me wrong) 我不善言辭 Im not so good with words 既然你從未察覺 And since you never notice 我表達的方式 The way that we belong 我將會在這首歌裡向你傾訴我的愛 Ill say it in a love song 我聽你說過 Ive heard you talk about 聽你提及 (Heard you talk about) 你是多麼希望找個像我一樣的人來陪伴 How you want someone just like me (Bryan echo: just like me) 但每次我約你出來 But everytime I ask you out 當我約你出來 (Time I ask you out) 我們都沒有越過友誼的界線 We never move pass friendly, no no 你從沒注意過當我們獨處時我凝視你的目光 And you dont ever notice how I stare when were alone 也不明白我為何總想在電話裡聽到你的聲音 Or wonder why I keep you on the phone 我已經表現得很明顯 Ive made it obvious 暗示了一切除了傾訴衷曲 Done everything but sing it 我暗戀你那麼久但你卻一直不知不覺 (Ive crushed on you so long but on and on you get me wrong) 我不善言辭 Im not so good with words 既然你從未察覺 And since you never notice 我表達的方式 The way that we belong 我將會在這首歌裡向你傾訴我的愛 Ill say it in a love song Yeah... 當我從清晨醒來第一個想到的就是你 You are my very firstthought in the morning 當夜幕降臨腦海中牽掛的也是你 And my last at nightfall 你毫無預警的闖入我的心扉 You are the love that came without warning 我需要你我想讓你知道 I need you, I want you to know 我已經表現得很明顯 Ive made it obvious 所以最後我決定唱出來 So finally Ill sing it 我已暗戀你很久 (Ive crushed on you so long) 我不善言辭 Im not so good with words 既然你從未察覺 And since you never notice 我表達的方式 The way that we belong 我將會在這首歌裡表達我對你的愛 Ill say it in a love song 一直唱直到你接受我的那一天 And sing it until the day youre holding me 我暗戀你那麼久但你卻一直不知不覺 Ive wanted you so long but on and on you get me wrong 我對你真摯的愛慕你卻從不知曉 I more then adore you but since you never seem to see 你一直不懂我的心意 But you never seem to see 我將會在這首歌曲里傳達對你的愛意 Ill say it in this love song