- Therion The Invincible 歌詞
- Therion
- (Prelude)
The Invincible 戰無不勝者 The blaze of northern light 北極光的火焰 Reflect the dawn of Gods 照亮諸神的黎明 Of ancient Pantheons 古老神靈的黎明 Who rest no more in peace 他們的平靜被打破 Faith of the Old, 古老者的信仰 the strong one from above :The Invincible 天界強大的神靈:不可戰勝者
不可戰勝者 The Invincible 天空與大地上的所有神靈 All the Gods of the sky and the earth 讓今日失去光彩,失去光彩 proclaim this today, this day 看晝夜不斷出現的徵兆 See the signs in the day and the night 預言救世主的出現 Foretell the one, the one 釋放盧納符文,釋放強大勇士的信仰! Open up the Runa and belief of the strong and the brave 釋放!跟隨心與魂中的諸神指引的道路 Open up! Let the Gods of your heart and your soul show the way 至高神的雙眼
已預見諸神的黎明 The eye of the night one 預言見於彌米爾的智慧泉 have seen the dawn of Gods 聽於渡鴉的巡遊 In the well of Mimer 古老者的信仰 (And) trough the flight of Ravens 天界強大的神靈:不可戰勝者 Faith of the Old, 不可戰勝者 the strong one from above: The Invincible 天空與大地上的所有神靈
讓今日失去光彩,失去光彩 The Invincible 看晝夜不斷出現的徵兆 All the Gods of the sky and the earth 預言救世主的出現 proclaim this today, this day 釋放盧納符文,釋放強大勇士的信仰! See the signs in the day and the night 釋放!跟隨心與魂中的諸神指引的道路 Foretell the one, the one 北極光的火焰 Open up the Runa and belief of the strong and the brave 照亮諸神的黎明 Open up! Let the Gods of your heart and your soul show the way 古老神靈的黎明
他們的平靜被打破 The blaze of northern light Reflect the dawn of Gods Of ancient Pantheons Who rest no more in peace