- Beck Tarantula 歌詞
- Beck
- 作詞:Ian Robbins,Martyn Young
作曲:Ian Robbins,Martyn Young 日子過得渾渾噩噩萎靡頹廢 I'm living but I'm feeling numb 從我空洞的目光中顯而易見 Can see it in my stare 如今我虛偽地藏匿在面具之下 I wear a mask so falsely now 失去了自我 And I don't know who I am 甚至連破敗的靈魂 Despite the worlds inside of me 都在無聲嘶喊試圖擺脫這具軀殼 Cursing me away 在他們已經對我心灰意冷的眼裡 I've noticed in others' eyes 才恍然發覺時日無多 That time is closing in 當驚雷劃破天空的沉寂我奮力掙脫禁錮 And when the thunder breaks 終究是因為我們彼此賦予的力量才得以解脫 It breaks for you and me 反反复复像蜘蛛星雲一樣 Tarantula tarantula 雲譎波詭變幻莫測 Tarantula tarantula 前路看似注定坎坷 The future's looking rather grim 遊走在黑暗之中 A strange black tide 像愚昧無知的人 Decisions lie with foolish men 隨波逐流 Along with my life 旁人對我萬般阻撓 They're choking and holding me 唯恐我不落入萬丈深淵 Expecting me to fall 不過只有歷經險阻 But only if I'm threatened 才能看清誰笑到最後 We'll see the tables turn 當驚雷劃破天空的沉寂我奮力掙脫禁錮 And when the thunder breaks 終究是因為我們彼此賦予的力量才得以解脫 It breaks for you and me 一切像蜘蛛星雲一樣 Tarantula tarantula 變幻莫測 Tarantula tarantula 我們的命運在死亡的陰影下等待宣判 Our world is under a sentence of death 我生來卑微 I was born underground 但生活仍舊毫無憐憫之心冷酷無情 But when the pressure gets too much for me 永別了 Bye bye 生來似蜘蛛星雲渺若塵埃 Tarantula tarantula 成長似蜘蛛星雲形影相吊 Tarantula tarantula 立世似蜘蛛星雲虛無縹緲 Tarantula tarantula 離去似蜘蛛星雲悄無聲息 Tarantula tarantula