- Nightwish Élan 歌词
- Nightwish
- Leave the sleep and let the springtime talk
自梦乡苏醒聆听春天的呼唤 In tongues from the time before men 自久于人类的时间暗示中 Listen to a daffodil tell her tale 听水仙倾诉属于自己的童话 Let the guest in, walk out 邀同伴偕行 Be the first to greet the morn 定要第一个迎接破晓 The meadows of heaven await harvest 天堂之甸静待收割 The cliffs unjumped, cold waters untouched 未曾飞跃的山崖,未曾触碰的寒泉 The elsewhere creatures yet unseen 未曾发现的珍禽异兽 Finally you number came up 同伴既至 Free fall awaits the brave. 飞瀑等待勇者 [02:43.22][03:43.19]Come, taste the wine, race the blind 来,干了这美酒,无所顾忌地飞驰 [02:47.64][03:47.94]They will guide you from the light 他们就在远方微亮处引导着你 [02:51.59][03:51.69]Writing noughts till the end of time 肆意狂书直到时间也凝固 [02:58.17][03:58.05]Come, surf the clouds, race the dark 来,以浮云为舟,以黑暗为海 [03:02.90][04:02.89]It feeds from the runs undone 从无虑的驰骋中得到释放 [03:06.40]Meet me where the cliff greets the sea 在海崖那边我等待与你的邂逅 [02:39.72][03:13.53][04:14.26] 谜底近在眼前 The answer to the riddle before your eyes 藏在轻轻划过天际的枯叶 Is in dead leaves and fleeting skies 归巢的天鹅,勤奋的老鼠 Returning swans and sedulous mice 骏马为笔花园作书 Writing on the garden's book, 尽在情人刹那的一瞥 in the minute of a lover's look 在海滨建造沙塔 Building a sandcastle close to the shore 破败甲板上的纸牌屋 A house of cards from a worn out deck 后继船只上海市蜃楼般的家乡,多么平静 A home from a fellowship, poise and calm 谱写的歌词 Write a lyric for the song 唯有你能理解 Only you can understand 来,干了这美酒,无所顾忌地飞驰 Riding hard every shooting star 他们就在远方微亮处引导着你 Come to life, open mind, have a laugh at the orthodox 肆意狂书直到时间也凝固 Come drink deep, let the dam of mind seep 来,以浮云为舟,以黑暗为海 Travel with great élan, dance a jig at the funeral 从无虑的驰骋中得到释放 Meet me where cliff greets the sea. 在海崖那边我等待与你的邂逅 Come! 驾驭每一颗流星