- J. Cole Wet Dreamz 歌词
- J. Cole
- Cole
Cole world 欢迎来到J.Cole的世界 Yeah 耶 Let me take y'all back man 让我带你们回忆一下我的第一次 As I do so well 那次我可表现的不错 [Verse 1] 那前所未有的感觉 Wasn't nothin' like that 第一次的感觉无与伦比 Man, it wasn't nothin' like that first time 她出现在数学课上 She was in my math class 一头长发 棕色肌肤和丰臀 Long hair, brown skin with the fat ass 她坐在我旁边 我们经常开玩笑逗乐 Sat beside me, used to laugh, had mad jokes 老师总是生气 因此我们开始传纸条 The teacher always got mad so we passed notes 那情感的开端是如此纯真 It started off so innocent 她的神秘感等待我的挖掘 She had a vibe and a nigga started diggin' it 那时我还是个青葱少年 故意想装得深沉一些 I was a youngin' straight crushin' tryna play this shit cool 心里却迫不及待地想去上学 But a nigga couldn't wait to get to school 因为当我看见她的美腿巨臀和丰唇 Cause when I seen 'em thighs on her and them hips on her and them lips on her 就会陷入白日梦 Got me daydreaming, man what 幻想着她骑在我身上 坐在我身上 舔着我 I'm thinkin' how she rides on it, if she sits on it, if she licks on it 起立变得如此困难(硬) Make it hard for me to stand up 渐渐的 这吸引力变得强烈 As time goes by, attractions getting deep and 春梦里如此激烈但却无法成真 Wet dreaming thinkin' that I'm smashin' but I'm sleepin' 我太需要她了 从未这样痴迷过 I want it bad, and I ain't never been obsessed before 她写了张纸条 上面写着“你干过那事儿没有?” She wrote a note that said "You ever had sex before" 靠 Damn 我可从没干过那事儿 [Hook] 我写了回复“老子当然不是处男” And I ain't never did this before no (x8) 我知道我在装逼 [Verse 2] 告诉她我比大木老师还猛 I wrote back and said "Of course I had sex before" 我知道我吹牛了 Knowing I was frontin' 但如果不小心说了实话 我就会错过这次机会 I said I'm like a pro baby 虽然至今还未尝过木耳的滋味 Knowing I was stuntin' 但她并不知道 But if I told the truth I knew I'd get played out son 所以她又写了回复并告诉我 Hadn't been in pussy since the day I came out one “比大木老师还猛? 那我可要见识见识 But, she don't know that 我妈妈这周末要出差 So she done wrote back and told me 所以周六咱俩可以大闹天宫” "Oh you a pro homie? Well I want you to show me 从那开始我每天心跳加速 直冒冷汗 My mama gone for the weekend 亲爱的你可真唤醒了我的小宇宙 So Saturday baby we can get to freakin'" 我开始幻想她躺在床上一丝不挂的样子 That's when my heart start racing and my body start sweatin' 老师这时候请千万别叫我起立 Baby you done woke my lil' man up 我回复道“这计划听上去不错” I'm thinkin' how that body look naked when you laying on the bed 仍然故作镇静 像个爷们一样淡定 Teacher please don't make me stand up 实际上我却怕得要死 烧心得厉害 I wrote back like "Yeah baby sound like a plan" 自言自语道 靠 我还是个处男呢 Still trying to play it cool, sound like the man 艹 But I was scared to death my nigga, my stomach turned 我可从没干过那事儿 Talking shit knowing damn well I was a virgin 你知道当你第一次干那事时的感觉 Fuck 我希望她别注意到我是第一次干这事 [Hook] 我希望我那玩意的尺寸能让她满意 And I ain't never did this before no (x8) 最重要的是我在祈祷“天啊别让我当个快枪手” [Verse 3] 看了一些动作片学了些姿势 You know that feelin' when you you finna bone for the first time 练习了一下如何把套套带好 I'm hoping that she won't notice it's my first time 进她屋的时候我手心直冒汗 I'm hoping that my shit is big enough to fuck with 带着满满一口袋的杜蕾斯和一个直挺挺的小人 And most of all I'm praying "God don't let me bust quick" 我抚摸着她 她却有点脸红 I'm watching pornos trying to see just how to stroke right 这可正合我意 Practice putting condoms on, how it go right 她解开我的皮带 小手开始上下鼓捣 I'm in her crib now a nigga palms sweatin' 噢噢 妹纸可千万别停手 With a pocket full of rubbers and an erection 是时候展现真正的技术了 That's when my hands start touching and her face start blushing 缓缓地拿出套套 就像练习时一样 And a nigga roll over on top 但是正当我要进入的时候 她却迟疑了一会 紧紧握住不放手 And then she get my pants unbuckled and her hands start rubbing “我想消除心理上的障碍 On me, ooh girl don't stop 小哥你确实很专业 但请温柔一点因为。。。” It's time for action Pull out the condoms real smooth, yeah just how I practiced But right before I put it in, she flinched and grabbed it and said "I wanna get something off my mental I can tell you a pro, but baby be gentle cause"