- Nicki Minaj Fly 歌詞
- Nicki Minaj
- R:I came to win to fight
蕾哈娜: 我為勝利而來軼群絕類 to conquer to thrive 為了讓他們俯首稱臣破釜沉舟 I came to win to survive 我為勝利而來力爭上游 to prosper to rise 勢如破竹累足成步 to fly 壯志凌雲 to fly 扶搖直上 N:I wish today 妮琪米娜: 希望今日 it will rain all day 稠雨連綿 maybe that will kinda 或許那樣才能輕微 make the pain go away 忘卻有過的傷痛 trying to forgive you 努力原諒你 for abandoning me 那個棄我而去的你 praying but I think 虔誠祈禱但我覺得 Im still an angel away 我仍與天使相去甚遠 angel away 相去甚遠 yeah strange in a way 沒錯我舉止怪異 maybe that is 可能那就是 why I chase strangers away 我趕走陌生人的緣由 they got their guns out aiming at me 他們掏出槍支向我瞄準 but I become near 但我激流勇進 when they aiming at me 當他們針對我的時候 me me me against them 我獨自頑抗 me against enemies 沙場殺敵 me against friends 反抗朋友 somehow they both seem to become one 不知為何他們似乎同流合污 A sea full of sharks 那滿是鯊魚的深海 and they all see blood 他們看見了血腥 they start coming 他們步步緊逼 and I start rising 我卻力爭上游 must be surprising 他們一定會驚訝 Im just summising 我想大概會這樣 im win thrive soar 戰無不勝功成名就 higher higher higher,18:36 2016-7-27 more fire 飛向更高來得更猛烈些吧 R:I came to win to fight 蕾哈娜:我為勝利而來軼群絕類 to conquer to thrive 為了讓他們俯首稱臣破釜沉舟 I came to win to survive 我為勝利而來力爭上游 to prosper to rise 勢如破竹累足成步 to fly 壯志凌雲 to fly 扶搖直上 N:Everybody wanna 妮琪米娜: 就算所有人都想 try to box me in 讓老娘進退維谷 suffocating everytime it locks me in 時刻將我桎梏令我窒息 paint they own pictures 將他們的意志強加於我 then they crop me in 在他們的股掌之中 but I will remain 但我會堅守 where the top begins 我的至高起點 cause I am not a word 因為我不是一個詞語 I am not a line 不是一個句子 I am not a girl 不是一個 that can every be defined 能被你們隨意定義的人 I am not fly 我不僅飛翔 I am levitation 更在漂浮 I represent an entire generation 我代表著全新的時代 I hear the criticism loud and clear 這個我為所知道的巔峰時刻 that is how I know 這就是我所知道的 that the time is near 即將迎來的巔峰時刻 so we become alive 鮮活存在 in a time of fear 在這樣艱難時刻 and I aint got 老娘不會有 no motherfucking time to spare 多餘的時間 cry my eyes out for days upon days 整日垂淚涕泣 such a heavy burden placed upon me 重壓之下 but when you go hard your nays become yays 努力拼搏今非昔比 Yankee Stadium with Jays and Kanyes 蕾哈娜: 我為勝利而來軼群絕類 R:I came to win to fight 與Jay和Kanye在揚基體育場同台獻藝 to conquer to thrive 為了讓他們俯首稱臣破釜沉舟 I came to win to survive 我為勝利而來力爭上游 to prosper to rise 勢如破竹累足成步 to fly 壯志凌雲 to fly 扶搖直上 N:Get ready for it 妮琪米娜: 做好準備吧 get ready for it 最好小心一點 get ready for it 最好做好覺悟 I came to win 我志在必得 get ready for it 做好準備吧 get ready for it 最好小心一點 get ready for it 最好做好覺悟 R:I came to win to fight 蕾哈娜:我為勝利而來軼群絕類 to conquer to thrive 為了讓他們俯首稱臣破釜沉舟 I came to win to survive 我為勝利而來力爭上游 to prosper to rise 勢如破竹累足成步 to fly 壯志凌雲 to fly 扶搖直上