- Linkin Park Forgotten (Live) 歌詞
- Linkin Park
- [01:23.74][00:35.14][00:08.80][00:00.00]From the top to the bottom
我的情緒從顛峰跌落至低谷 [01:24.96][00:36.38 ][00:09.87][00:01.53]Bottom to top I stop 當它再次高漲時我卻猶豫踟躇 [01:25.94][00:37.33][00:10.90][00:02.21 ]At the core Ive forgotten 處於思維旋渦的核心我卻已遺忘 [01:27.21][00:38.63][00:11.95][00:03.48]In the middle of my thoughts 當我迷失在自己構建的思維空間時 [01:28.16][00:39.56][00:13.14][00:04.31]Taken far from my safety 我感到如此躁動不安 [ 01:29.45][00:40.90][00:14.32][00:05.38]The picture is there 當再次看到那張照片時 [01:30.48][00:41.80][00: 15.37][00:06.46]The memory wont escape me 那段記憶又映如我的腦海 [01:31.60][00:43.10][00:16.51][00:07.73]But why should I care 但是我為什麼要在乎呢 Theres a place so dark you cant see the end 我的情緒從顛峰跌落至低谷 (Skies cock back) and shock that which cant defend 當它再次高漲時我卻猶豫踟躇 The rain then sends dripping an acidic question 處於思維旋渦的核心我卻已遺忘 Forcefully, the power of suggestion 當我迷失在自己構建的思維空間時 Then with the eyes tightly shut looking thought the rust and rot 我感到如此躁動不安 And dust a spot of light floods the floor 當再次看到那張照片時 And pours over the rusted world of pretend 那段記憶又映如我的腦海 The eyes ease open and its dark again 但是我為什麼要在乎呢 [ 02:35.53][01:42.17][00:44.85]In the memory youll find me 世界上有一些地方被黑暗深深地籠罩你難以看到盡頭 [02:39.80][01: 46.76][00:49.27]Eyes burning up 深邃的天穹高聳著向後退去雷電衝擊著世間一切毫無防備的事物 [02:44.11][01:50.50][00:53.28]The darkness holding me tightly 嘲諷如同暴雨撲面而來 [02:48.57][01:55.03][00:57.52]Until the sun rises up 內心暗示的力量是如此的強烈 Moving all around screaming of the ups and downs 我試圖用一雙緊閉的雙眼去透視四周鏽蝕腐爛的塵埃 Pollution manifested in perpetual sound 少許光芒逐漸在地板上蔓延開來 The wheels go round and the sunset creeps past the 逐漸會聚起來湧入這個已經鏽蝕掉的虛偽世界 Street lamps, chain-link and concrete 當我的雙眼再次鬆開黑暗卻再次向我襲來 A little piece of paper with a picture drawn floats 我的情緒從顛峰跌落至低谷 On down the street till the wind is gone 當它再次高漲時我卻猶豫踟躇 The memory now is like the picture was then 處於思維旋渦的核心我卻已遺忘 When the papers crumpled up it cant be perfect again 當我迷失在自己構建的思維空間時 [02: 26.04][02:21.84][02:17.40][02:12.98][02:08.09][02:04.02]Now you got me caught in the act 我感到如此躁動不安 [02:27.29 ][02:22.80][02:18.87][02:14.50][02:09.78][02:05.31]You bring the thought back 當再次看到那張照片時 [02:28.51] [02:24.09][02:19.80][02:15.33][02:11.05][02:06.21]Im telling you that 那段記憶又映如我的腦海 [02:29.46][ 02:25.02][02:20.62][02:16.16][02:11.98][02:07.14]I see it right through you 但是我為什麼要在乎呢 ****END*** * 在我的記憶之海中你將找到我